Although, overall, tonight's debate was a snoozer (I thought, generally, town hall meetings were a little more lively!), I thought John McCain clearly won. I thought he was in command of the stage and the issues, and that it went remarkably well! John McCain won by clearly laying out a plan to help Americans stay in their homes and get our economy back on track by creating jobs. He clearly talked about what he would do to help middle class Americans--securing their mortgages (although I disagree with him on this issue), achieving energy independence and helping them keep their jobs. He was strong, as always, on the issue of foreign policy.
I would love to hear how you think the debate went! Leave your comments here.
The American people must take responsibility for their actions and thier lives. Healthcare is not a right - It's a responsibility!
Tami, At this point im just sick.It doesn't seem to matter what Obama has done in his past..sitting under a man that teaches such hate..being friends with someone that bombs and clearly hates America and lies that so many of Americans are not listening.There seems to be so much brain washing and fraud going on.
Something else that really bothers me is with the points showing as they are how many Christians are people that say they are can support a man thats past surely doesn't show Christ like behavior.Christian means little Christ. How can people sit on their bottoms and vote for a man that has many ideas and believes that are not Christ like.It breaks my heart and shows where the American church is at this point.
Now about the debate...McCain did well as always and stayed strong in who and what he stands for. A strong Christian man ...a man that has been there and has the background we need. he continues to prove Obama is full of lies and smooth talk.
It is clear Obama is a swoner and smooth talker.
It my spirit the same words have been since the beginning..WHEN MY PEOPLE "HEAR"key word and "TURN" another key word from ther wicked ways then I will hear their voice and heal their land.
Christian America is not hearing and seems have gotten so comfy in their ways not ready to TURN .
All we can do is pray and keep standing..God is bigger than this situation.He does give people a choice,but we have to stand until the very end.I hope this doesn't come across negative and im not throwing in the towel. My heart is just so heavy that God can send us such a strong Christian ticket with McCain/Palin and people seem to have their heads buried in the sand.
I meant hear their prayers not voice.
I agree with you that McCain was strong. He was personable. His choice of words was clear and easy to understand. Obama was disrespectful to McCain, Brokaw, those attending the Town Hall Meeting and those watching by clearing going over his allotted time to answer questions. And he knew he was doing it because he would mention the time, then said but "I have one final point to make."
I was very glad that McCain said that he would support Israel. It is very important that the USA supports Israel.
One thing that disturbed me was Obama's Healthcare plan. I was offended when I heard that as a parent I would be required to purchase health care coverage for my children under his plan. We currently do not have health insurance by choice. Paying cash was less expensive than paying insurance premiums. I do not withhold healthcare for my children just because we don't have insurance. A great majority of the people who go to the ER for care other than an emergency do not have an income besides the help they get from the government. There are better ways to help the health care system - one being to look at the Payors and Insurance Companies.
I hope the debate next Wednesday is a better representation of what a Town Hall meeting is supposed to be. Not one where the questions were picked by the moderator. I think a debate where we learn about the canidates character, personality and views is in order.
Brenda, I believe that the polls cannot be trusted. They have been rendered irrelevant in past elections, and I think they are just a tool to scare people into staying home on election day. Remember that! I am sure that some of them are more accurate than others, but you have to look at who they are polling, and in many cases, it is not a fair setup.
I thought that as a whole the debate was a bore and pretty much the "same ole" stuff that has already been covered. I would have liked to have heard more about the moral beliefs of each candidate.
The highlight for me was the question regrading rights, responsibilities and priveledges... It disturbes me to hear how many people believe that they are owed everything. Owning a home, having a job, having healthcare, going to school... NONE OF THESE ARE RIGHTS! These are privegdges and responsibilities... I am so tired of this ungrateful mentality.
All right, my rant for today os over. Time to get back to school. ;-)
i thought mccain did well, but wasn't nearly as aggressive as he should have been! you could see obama getting all fidgety and squirmy when mccain started calling him on his tax relief claims (cutting taxes on 95% of the american people? kinda tough, BO, when 37% of the american people don't even PAY federal taxes!!!) and referring back to their records of reform... barack has NOTHING. i so wish that after obama railed against the corporate CEOs and their "golden parachutes" that mccain would have asked him about his fannie mae friends who looted millions from the american people in the heist of the century, only to then appoint them to his campaign financial advisory board!! WHAT?!? but no... so i was pleased with mccain's performance but disappointed that he didn't say more. argh. :)
as an independent voter in a swing state, there is no question the McCain Palin ticket is the wrong choice. Drilling is not the answer to every question, no matter how much Sarah wants it to be.
One ticket has displayed calm, poise, and details. The Republican side has shown disarray, the same campaign one liners over and over again, and constant contradictions (let's not look backwards....unless we're talking about what we don't like about the other guys...but for the republicans, don't look backwards, look forwards). McCain is angry if anyone disputes his points. Not the type of leadership i want.
Just my thoughts. Again, I'm an independent voter (who voted for Bush both times) and think that this presidential race is not even close.
Hopefully in the "fairness" you demand from the media, this comment gets the same respect you desire and does not get censored off.
I'm curious to know where "jen crane" got the stats of "37% of Americans not paying federal taxes." It has been proven time and time again that Barack Obama's tax plan will cut taxes for middle-class Americans. It should also be noted that McCain's tax plan will cut taxes for some middle-class Americans, but will most benefit the wealthiest 1% of Americans. Maybe some of you should REALLY listen to both sides and make an INFORMED choice. I'm not trying to upset anyone or be aggressive, I just wish more people would really LISTEN. I vote my pocket book and I am not in the 1% of wealthiest people in America (unfortunatley) so I'm voting Obama. Good luck to all the McCain/Palin supporters out there, you're going to need it if they win this election, unless of course you are in the 1% of the wealthiest Americans.
I am a Christian Independent. I have been turned off by McCain's hatred on stage. He seems to be seething with anger. Palin also comes across as very vindictive but with a smirk and a smile. How is that being Christian like. For all of Obama's pro-choice, he still seems the more compassionate person. I voted twice for Bush based on his conservative views. I think McCain and Palin are snickering at all of the Christian votes they are banking on and will not follow through with a conservative policy. Keep in mind that McCain is not truly conservative.
From what I can remember there is no qualification for being a Christian to be the President...
I am reading this blog being not a US citizen and thus not participatig in the election but watching it with great interest. I can only express my deepest bewilderment reading how far people can adjust their minds and block all rationality and relation to reality to come to such statements. O sancta simplicita ! Good look with the McCain/Palin ticket ! Is the last 8 years experience with one re-born Christian in the office not enough? Save the world another one. May be our last chance anyhow.
CNN/FOX/MSNBC/CBS are not the ones with lies, they are the ones asking questions. This blog is more along the lines of bias, than any of the news organizations. Yes Obama has some problems and so does McCain. Neither one of them is really "the better person." This election is just going to boil down to "who is the lesser of the two evils?"
Anyways, if the author of this blog really cared to READ FactCheck.org ( a sit by the way you actually quote ) then maybe you people would wake up and stop acting like Obama is a Muslim.
To Brenda, I'm not sure where your getting your information because Obama not only was 8 years old at the time of the bombings also released a statement strongly condemning them and finally the New York Times has said that "the two men do not appear to have been close". Many other newspapers have also stated the same thing. Also Religion should not matter in a political race. It should not matter if Obama was Muslim or if McCain was a Hindu. Religion should not be a deciding factor in a political race since The USA separated religion and state.
Next McCain did not actually say HOW he was going to do anything which is incredibly annoying if you are trying to watch the election from an independent view. Obama did detail some of his plan on the debate. Also you can't really state that Obama was the only one making contradictions McCain made just as many. If you want facts on what people said was true I suggest checking out factcheck.org.
Reading some of these comments makes me embarrassed at the thought that we're citizens of the same nation. The cultural divide is so great, that I might as well be trying to wrap my head around a political discussion amongst African tribesman. I find it hugely arrogant that anyone can presume to know God's will, let alone use their personal interpretation of it to blind them into supporting a candidate that is so clearly wrong for the future of this country. Lot of good the last Christian conservative leader has done for America. Perhaps Palin would be a great leader for your church group get-togethers, but qualified to be Vice President of the most powerful nation on Earth, she most certainly is not.
Our founding fathers established the separation of State and Church for a reason.
Exactly. We need a progressive future for our country. Instead of making stark demands and forcing the world to bow to our demands, we need to work together with countries. Do you really want to live through another Cold War? Or start WW3 with China? or Iran? By demanding them to change before we talk will only continue the same military strategy with have employed over the last 50+ years. If we ever want to lead this world to a place where we can living happier and at least get a long BETTER would be a start.
Ignorance is bliss, Brenda. You simply didnt have a good education to believe all that you commented on. If you had even a small fraction of intelligence, you would realize that the founding fathers specifically wanted Religion out of politics and especially goverment. They ridiculed religion as a matter of fact, try looking at some books on american history. The republican right of the 80's to our modern era have raped this country, and it is time America aborts of all the evangelists and neo-cons of this country. If McCain wins, not even GOD himself will be able to save this country from an immoral decay. and dont say i am contradicting there is a difference between believing in god, and being religious. Keep your religion to yourselves. Palin is a disgrace to women everywhere. You people should be ashamed of yourselves, what did Bush do: war, economic crisis. Is that what you want, Palin is Bush on Steroids. oh yeah, and may God bless America!!
To Brenda, I missed your remark about jeremiah wright in my first post so I wanted to say the Obama had denounced many times his statements. He also resigned his membership to his church and gave a speech putting his remarks into context and denouncing them at the same time.
You're as dumb as Palin if you think McCain won this debate. Unless you think the winner is whoever says "My Friends" the most times.
I have been a resident Alien (from UK) for the last 5 years and my wife is American, so I am watching this debate with great interest, even though I will not be able to personally vote.
Watching the debate, I thought McCain was condescending to the guy who asked the question about the economy (you should never assume that someone you have just met doesn't know something), but I also think that McCain answered some questions clearly.
I do have to say, though, that I think Sarah Palin would be a disastrous VP. Most of her sentences don't seem to make sense and does the US really want a VP who goes around winking at world leaders? But more than this, regardless of who wins in November, the US needs to have a President and Vice President who can show the rest of the world that as a nation the US is better than the Bush/Cheney administration. And that's regardless of your religious beliefs.
wow - this blog is something else. I wonder how many of you pro-Palin folks voted for Bush for precisely the same reasons you claim now. This presidency is hands down the worst administration in its deceipt of the american people, manipulation of facts, and politicizing of virtually every branch of government. Every public need is turned into a PR opportunity. Just sickening. shame on you all
Open your eyes. You have children, shame on you for being so close minded and ignorant about the issues and the future of this country.
Wow is this a joke? There is no way in HELL that anyone could think that Obama lost. Every poll, including FOX NEWS, shows Obama killing McCain in this debate. In the CNN poll it showed him winning 17% to 79% in favor of Obama. I am sorry but you bible thumping, women loving (I love women but not enough to vote for a women who doesn't know ANYTHING including ONE newspaper). Please stop lying to yourselves.
After the second debate, it is clear John McCain will lose this presidential race. He does not have what it takes to be president. He clearly showed that he is unable to come up with any new material, and spent most of his time making cheap shots at Obama. I particularly enjoyed his comment "that one". He couldn't even refer to his opponent as Senator Obama? How childish! He reminded me of Grumpy from the Seven Dwarfs debating a presidential candidate. How many lies can this man tell? It seems as though McCain is making a Pinocchio spectacle of himself. His nose only grows longer as election day nears. I would also like to point out that John McCain is NOT a Teddy Roosevelt Republican. Obviously, John McCain has no idea what President Roosevelt stood for. Teddy Roosevelt was the first president over a hundred years ago to call for government health care for all citizens, he was a TRUE maverick, he fought corrupt big businesses and monopolies, and he was an avid conservationalist. All of which John McCain is none!!!! I can't wait to wake up November 5th under President Obama's watch. America needs new direction and a leader who will look out for her welfare. Not another third term Bush administration that will rape this great nation further of her greatness.
Republicans are traditionally the party that doesn't ask what government will do for them. They are in favor of reducing government intervention. McCain has always been for this as well. That is why I am so disappointed by how similar he sounds to Mr. Obama. As you point out in your post, Mr. McCain clearly laid out what he will *do* for Americans. Whereas what he should be laying out if how he will shrink government. We all want to vote for the person who do the things we want him or her to do. Fact is, I don't want him or her to do anything with my tax dollars, *I* want to decide what to do with them, They're my money! Mr. McCain has shocked me by preaching how he will fix things and spend my money, while claiming he'll save a few billion on earmarks. billions are lots of money perhaps, but not in trillion dollar budgets. too little too late, and too similar to Obama. If you're really a conservative, consider a libertarian vote this year instead of capitulating to the lesser of two evils. Obama and McCain--> too close to tell the difference.
I can't believe you people have the audacity to criticize Obama's pastor while Palin's pastor calls the war with Iraq a "task from God."
I can't believe that you all want to question Barack Obama on his past relations with convicted and rehabilitated convicts while Palin and her husband have acted for a party that wants Alaska to secede from America.
I can't believe the total one-sidedness you people promote.
I would love someone to explain to me why it is so essential for Obama to be truthful with everyone, while Palin dodges interviews and McCain refuses to release his medical records.
I will probably never get answers for these statements, but come on. You guys are understandably McCain fans but let's apply the same standards to both sides, please!
Do you even know what Bill Ayers bombed? You have no idea do you?
Ayers participated in planting a bomb at a statue dedicated to riot police casualties in the 1886 Haymarket Riot confrontation between labor supporters and the police.[9] The blast broke almost 100 windows and blew pieces of the statue onto the nearby Kennedy Expressway.[10] (The statue was rebuilt and unveiled on May 4, 1970, and blown up again by other Weathermen on October 6, 1970.[11][10] Rebuilding it yet again, the city posted a 24-hour police guard to prevent another blast.[10])
Also I must agree with the anonymous comment.
I am a Christian myself, yet I tend to vote liberally because as Americans we should not legislate religion and morality.
I don't think abortion is right, but it does not mean I should force others to follow my moral beliefs.
Church and state are separate in this country.
i just saw you on cnn, in your big, beautiful home, eating snacks & drinking wine talking about how palin seems like someone like you. well, no offense, but that is exactly why so many democrats are against her & mccain. good for all of you that you had rich parents, rich boyfriends, or tons of support to get you to the place you are financially. but for me, & the majority, we don't know how we are going to pay for our next meal, or how we can even afford $10 in gas to make our way to our jobs. i get the feeling you, as most republicans seem to be, are disconnected from reality. i know what you are going through, my parents were rich while i grew up. but they lost everything when Bush came along. now i know what reality is, while before i was sipping wine, eating snacks, and only paying attention to politicians if they happen to look or act like me. that is not a smart basis for a political decision, but then again, what will you and your friends lose? its just us in poverty that will suffer with a mccain-palin ticket, so why would you care?
I love reading peoples comments on this blog. Some just make me laugh. Especially when people say that Obama attacked McCain more than McCain attacked Obama despite the fact that McCain refferred to Obama as "THAT ONE". Pretty harsh if you ask me. Well I thought the debate was pretty boring. I thought McCain seemed to be pretty comfortable on stage and was better in this type of setting then Obama but I think McCain tended to attack Obama too much especially when he kept saying how Obama will raise taxes even though the raise is only going to affect 5% of Americans. Also those people who feel that they are going to vote for McCain because he has better "Christian values", you make me sick. I'm a Christian and I understand what you are saying but in America religion and politics should be separate since we have freedom of religion and separation of church and state. Religion should not be a factor when you vote, nor race, nor sex.
what can I say? we were clearly watching different debates
I read your blog and I am just curious if you and I watched the same debate!?
You said that McCain laid out plans. What plans? All I heard him say was,"I can do that." How? He didn't answer any questions just like he didn't answer questions in the first debate.
Also, not once did he mention the middle class...!!!
I am curious what is your explanation for the hatred and the unprofessionalism he displayed as be was pacing behind Obama, making faces, refering to Obama as"that one," and lastly he couldn't even answer a question without bashing on Obama. Why is McCain initiating such a negative champaigne?
I was undecided up until the last debate. McCain and his negative remarks and tactics have pushed me in the opposite direction!!
I am so glad the someone else noticed John McCains unprofessional behavior. He was clearly threatened by senator Obama(I would be too if I were in John McCains position). I think this is McCains last resort in attempts to tighten up the race.
Yeah, why watch this debate when you can just slow motion through the VP debate and enjoy.
Thanks for the opportunity to leave this comment, I was looking at CNN and saw the report, so I'm hear just to see what people has been writing. First, I must say that I am a Christian and I do listen to God, but When I look at both tickets I am very surprise that even today Senator Obama is not getting a fair chance. We Christian voted for George Bush and right after the election he turned his backs on us. I think if Sarah really listen to God she should know that she does not belong in this race as VP. I do believe that Sarah is a good person and is being corrupt by this process, but I don't believe that John McCain is or can be trusted. If she was running for president great, but she is not. And to be over excited about the VP and not thinking clearly about the person who will be in change and making the decisions is very dangerous. Thanks great site.
I would have to side with the majority of Americans on this one and say Obama won by a hair.
Not to spit rhetoric, but to me McCain looked very winded and tired throughout the debate. He laughed at one point just before Obama mentioned his "bomb bomb Iran" song reference and he immediately cleared his throat and stood still. Very odd event.
Also, after a week of personal attacks McCain seemed very cowardly in his silence on these issues. Just as he brought up foreign policy in a question regarding the economy, he could have presented one of his many personal attacks along with a credibility related question. Very sad to see his act this way.
Sarah Palin is misrepresenting Jesus Christ. Her behavior, tone, choices and words contradict the Bible and do not glorify God. I am a 45 year old Christian Republican who is so saddened by the response Palin has received among people who call themselves followers of Jesus - Christians. It is disturbing. SAD.
I am praying for her to not be blinded by her political ambition. I am praying for the moms who are being misled in this blog -- who are not THINKING.
Being a 15-year-old daughter, I would go to all extremities to find my mother intense therapeutic care, regardless of cost (just putting that out there). Sarah Palin is nothing but a delusional woman lacking any skill or experience needed for this country to excel in any way, shape, or form. To Miss-I-Can-See-Russia-From-My-Window: I can see the White House from mine. And you're not going to be in it anytime soon.
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