Fox News' Shawn Hannity did a special on his program Hannity's America this past Sunday called "The History of Radicalism" in which he tackled the issues we've been hearing about in recent days with regard to Barack Obama and his associations. He sites facts and proof, not simply opinions. The clips are lengthy, but well worth taking the time to view.
The Democratic Party is now stating that "guilt by association does not apply". I don't know about you, but when I was growing up, I was taught that you ARE who you hang with. I believe the old saying goes "birds of a feather flock together". We teach our daughter consistently that she is not to hang around with kids who have a bad influence. Associations DO matter: they reveal character.
I encourage you to, when you have time, view these clips from Hannity's program. They reveal the true character of our Democratic nominee for President, Barack Obama, and his associations. There are those in the media who say that we should be talking about the "issues" and leaving this stuff alone. This IS an issue, my friends. It is, perhaps, the most important issue of this election!
Tami -- My kids and I just returned from the Palin Rally at East Carolina Univ.! We had a blast--lots of comments on your shirt, by the way. VERY excited crowd and a VERY straight talking speech. She was ALL over the Ayers story, and other Obama nonsense. Check it out at my blog--the write up, that is...
Would love to see pics if you care to share!! SO glad you got in! I know that was very exciting for your kids as well!
I encourage you to get away from the punditry of Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh and elevate your political discourse to those of ACTUAL conservative intellectuals such as Robert Conquest, and to a lesser extent George Wills.
Hannity is merely a man who speaks to the Republican base. He persuades no one. Moreover on this special you mention, Hannity includes a notortious anti-Semite who clogged NYC's legal system. Moreover, Hannity speaks highly of Jerry Falwell who said stated that abortionists, the ACLU, homosexuals and others were partly to blame because of 9/11. I don't know about you, but instead of blaming people and organizations inside the USA, I am going to blame Al-Queda. Makes sense don't you think. Six years later, our military forces in Afghanistan are thinned, and we still haven't found Osama. Granted we have had no more domestic attacks, but Al-Queda's strength is increasing (as told by numerous reports). We need to get away from this petty nonsense.
^ thank you anonymous.
If you listen to Hanity and believe what this man says, you are truly an idiot. That is like listening to Coulter or Moore for the issues.
Then again, you are excited about a woman that can't make a thought on her own. Yep, keep McCain by her side or an aide so that she knows what to say **rolls eyes**. Just the kind of leadership we need in Washington.
What about McCain serving and working alongside virulent bigots like Sens. Jesse Helms, Strom Thurmond and Robert Byrd? Do we have evidence that these individuals committed specific acts against African Americans during Jim Crow? No. But we do know that their hateful words, and willingness to uphold laws that were absolutely anti-American, did not represent the best of this nation. Bombing the Pentagon is horrible and indefensible. But declaring yourself a patriot while you speak such hateful and venemous words against your own countrymen, who just happen to be black, and then try to oppress them, is just as hateful and venemous. So, did McCain work with them? Did he not speak with them? Should McCain have declared that he would not work alongside these men because of their past? Should the self-described maverick who believes in integrity and character have taken the honorable stance of resigning from the Senate to protest these hateful characters serving in the U.S. Senate? No. And this is why this association argument is so weak and impotent. For goodness sakes, Byrd was once a member of Ku Klux Klan, a domestic terrorist organization! Now, if Ayers was involved in these despicable acts today - or Byrd and his late Senate colleagues - then it is fair game.
Shawn Hannity is a waste. His shows is no different than the WWE wrestling show. Well, the WWE offers more insightful interviews! I really think he is just a cartoon.
Dear Tami,
If what you say is true about associations, I should not allow my teenage daughter to hang out with Palin's unwed pregnant daughter or Sarah's gay friend. My daughter's association with them may reflect badly upon her.
Let's be real here. BOTH candidates (as well as their running mates) have had some form of "friendly" contact with unscrupulous characters -- this does not automatically make them nefarious too.
We are intelligent enough to know that. You are intelligent enough to know that. So let's choose our battles wisely. This should not be one of them.
BTW, I am a mother of six (one with Trisomy 21) that considers each and every one of them a blessing. In fact, I think of ALL children as a blessing.
My husband and I own a gun (it's in a safe). We teach our children to take personal responsibility and achieve the highest character possible. We wish more parents would require the same. We are a sweet little family who wishes well on everyone we know and meet.
However, there is very little about Sarah Palin that resonates with me. At times she seems mean-spirited and vindictive and lacking the character I mentioned earlier. I know she has some good character traits and I will continue to read your blog so that I can learn something about her that will speak to me. In the meantime, I urge you and your friends to do the same. There should be no place for dogmatism in this world. Let's grow together instead of tearing each other apart.
You women are just as dumb as black women when it comes to good judgement.
There is no way in the world I would want to leave this country in the hands of Gov. PUPPET in an extreme emergency. If something happens to McCain, I do not want Gov. PUPPET to me making decisions for my kids future.
What all them said above me. I think you posted this blurb on associations mattering because its the *only* available response to the assertion. You know though, as does everyone else who is interested in revealing truth that if associations were all that mattered then noone would have character - I am willing to bet I could find a poor choice of assocations even by you Tami. More to the point though - is that Obama in fact has a very weak association with Ayers. I have read all the "facts."
Little hypothetical. You start a new job, and someone tells you your boss did time for grand theft twenty years ago but really turned his life around since then - your in a tough economy and it took your 6 months to find this job - you gonna quit your job? Because you are beginning a relationship - even if its purely professional and anyone could levy the same attack against you that is being levied against Obama. Would you want your character judged on the actions of your boss 20 years prior? I doubt it. Sometimes I think empathy is in short supply for some folks...
Hi Tami,
I saw your interview this evening on CNN - very good! I sure hope McCain wins but Obama has brainwashed so many that it will be interesting. We went to the Rally in Fairfax here in VA back in September - awesome event - drew 26,000 people I think it was. Biggest crowd at the time for McCain.
Jesus hung out with prostitutes and thieves. The Romans said he was a terrorist because he wanted to radically change society. I don't think Jesus would like modern-day "Christians" very much.
I just can't believe that there are women who endorse this obvious tactic of John McCain and really support Sarah Palin. There is such a double standard with all of the issues that this ticket (McCain and Palin) has and the people of America are continuing to give their support. It is really hard to believe that racism is not a major factor in this debate. Let's just reflect back to the last debate if the phrase "THAT ONE" had come out of Obama's mouth it would have been a major issue. As a woman of color there is no way that I would be able to support Sarah Palin because she continues to allow her supporters to verbalize racial insults. As I recall the major playing card for George W. Bush for election the last 4 years was the issue of aboration, can someone please tell me what he has done to stop this. The fact of the matter is you and no one else can stop a person from getting an abortion (it is a constitutional right) if that is what they want. The truth is that is not really the issue, the issue is COLOR. I have more respect for someone who can say what they really think and stop picking at these little things that have nothing to do with the issues. Personally I applaud Senator Obama he has not at one time mentioned Sarah Palin's daughter's situation (she is a pregnant unwed teen so what about the people who are associated with this family, but you mentioned on your web page that we are a product of who we are associated with, if that is not a double standard I don't know what is) but the McCain campaign is pulling out the pitbulls (with lipstick)if this is what America is all about then I say along with all of you God Bless America. Can someone please tell me how John McCain is going to REALLY help the middle class.
Me: white male 30's, just starting a family, own several guns (don't want people treading on that right), go to church (not as much as I should) and I have been raised to think for myself....McCain was my candidate of choice for 2004, but unfortunately the mutiny was not to be....
McCain lost my vote when he selected Sarah Palin as his VP pick...There are a huge number of intelligent women that stand for the values that I would share that can also give an interview....(I kinda feel sorry for her bless her heart because she will become the scapegoat and will be the one thrown under the bus when the Republican bid for President is lost this time.) I will not go into all of the things that is wrong with this decision ...but merely this....if Palin is the best that McCain could do for a running mate then I really question is decision making ability because he is likely to have two supreme court judges to appoint...and untold numbers of federal judges and other positions. (Even Dole would have been a better woman choice than Palin and she has the experience to boot)...To me this is no longer about Palin in so much as it is about the choices that McCain is capable of making.....I do not want another Maverick that ignores the country when bad decisions are made...(I think you can get my point)
Now to the argument that you used earlier about associations....and this really does get under my skin....as a missionary for a period in my life I hung out with those that you would tell your children to avoid...."how many lives were positively affected by my testimony I am not certain, but if I helped one then it was all worth it.....and for you to say that I am a drug dealer and a thug becuase I was a disciple for my faith...I take that personally"
Please do not use Hannity and Rush as your support....They incite and frustrate any real attempts at unity. The are devicive and those that use them to support their points do not think for themselves about what these two men stand for...it shows that you do not care what others think but would rather shout louder and angrier just to be heard....the point is there are better conservatives that are capable of bringing an honorable debate rather than a mouthful of hatred.
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