Definition of Family

Senator John McCain and the McCain Palin team:
- Believe marriage is a union between one man and one woman only
- Voted for the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)
- Voted against the Federal Marriage Amendment
- Senator McCain supports AZ and other state marriage protection amendments
- Some statements opposing same sex adoption, other statements saying that the states should decide
- Co-sponsored a bill permitting tax deductions for adoption expenses
- Opposes the use of materials that encourage or support homosexuality as a positive lifestyle
- Opposes legislation that criminalizes certain actions or statements on the basis of sexual orientation

Barack Obama and the Obama Biden team:
- Would overturn the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)
- Supports giving legal rights accompanying a marriage license to same-sex couples, including adoption
- Co-sponsors the Equal Rights Amendment
- Voted against the Federal Marriage Amendment
- Believes the federal government should recognize same-sex "marriages" or civil unions recognized by certain states
- Supports legislation that criminalizes certain actions or statements on the basis of sexual orientation
- Supports the use of materials in public schools that encourage or support homosexuality as a positive lifestyle
These are the facts once again, girls. Make yours an informed decision.