It seems many of you who have left comments here would like to silence me, and the others who post here. To that I say: find someone else to pick on! You WILL NOT discourage me. Your comments motivate and encourage me to continue getting our message out! You quote the "Enquirer", you quote other smears that have been put out there which have been proven to be false--your ignorance is astonishing! You have nothing of substance to say, so you have to attack. That's okay, I can take it. I understand, that's all you have and you're losin' it! That is very clear.
The vast majority of conservative moms in this country have remained relatively silent until now. You underestimate us, and the very fact that you are here reading this blog proves our effectiveness.
1 – 200 of 451 Newer› Newest»Saw the piece on CNN and felt compelled to write. Although you all seem like nice enough folks, your views about Palin and her abilities are as misguided as she is vapid.
Your blog states at the outset that you're fighting the "liberal media" and their unjust attacks on Palin, but how about those critics who are among the conservative ranks? It's not just the liberals who see her selection as a farce.
David Brooks, a conservative columnist, added his voice this month to the chorus of those concerned about Palin’s inexperience. Palin, Brooks argued, “has not been engaged in national issues, does not have a repertoire of historic patterns and, like President Bush, seems to compensate for her lack of experience with brashness and excessive decisiveness.”
Brooks, a former senior editor of the Weekly Standard, wrote that eight years of “inept” governance by Bush has helped persuade him of the ineffectiveness of a president who makes decisions on gut and instinct.
Writing in the National Review, conservative Kathleen Parker expressed a similar view but with much less restraint. She said Palin’s recent television interviews amounted to content-light “filibusters.” The syndicated columnist suggested that the governor – “Who Is Clearly Out of Her League” – should quit the Republican ticket to “save McCain, her party, and the country she loves.”
Voters typically focus almost exclusively on the presidential candidates, and even weak vice presidential nominees seldom drag down a national ticket.
But David Frum, a former Bush speechwriter, is among conservatives who have worried that the Palin pick weakens one of McCain’s best arguments: that he has superior experience and is better prepared to protect America.
“How serious can [McCain] be,” Frum wrote even before Palin appeared at the GOP convention, “if he would place such a neophyte second in line to the presidency?”
Pretty much sums it up doesn't it? Palin may be the "rock star" of the conservative party, but who in their right mind would want Van Halen as the leader of the free world. Actually, David Lee Roth is probably more qualified than Palin, at least he's traveled outside of the country. Plain and simple, the woman is not qualified. Wink, wink.
Anonymous, get your own blog instead of writing a book on someone else's.
A wink or a nod does not a leader make. Saw the piece on CNN. It's your silent majority that has gotten this country into the mess we're in right now.
I pray that you come to your senses.
Sarah Palin scares me. She is as ignorant as Bush. I would have considered voting for McCain, but that changed the moment I researched more about his VP pick.
I understand the appeal Palin has to you, but frankly the "average Jill" thing she has going on isn't a plus for me. She just doesn't know enough at this point in time to be VP. I'm sure in '12 she'll be ready to run against Obama as the Republican Presidential candidate.
thanks for showing your voice in this election Im voting for Obama but its nice that in America you can still voice your opinions HOPEFULLY it can stay this way after the election..
I saw your piece on CNN this evening. I just wanted to say that I really wouldnt want to sit down with my president and have "snacks" with them. I want them to make me nervous in person because of their intelligence and presence. Yes, I feel as though I could have "snack's" with Palin, because she is simply not qualified to be our president. Have you by chance seen any of her interviews?
I don't see how any woman could be proud of such a misguided woman as Sarah Palin. As an intelligent professional woman I think she's setting women's causes backwards about 100 years. I would be embarrassed to admit that I identified with her and don't see how any woman would. I think it's her daughter's choice if she wants to have a baby, but to make her get married is so ridiculous it's laughable. And how could any well informed person be against stem cell research? This is the key to so many debilitating diseases that we need our scientists to move forward on their research. Oh, I'm wasting my time here. There's no one smart enough to listen to me. I feel sorry for you all.
Sorry Ladies, I admire what you are trying to do, but do you really believe Mrs. Palin was the most qualified person that John McCain could have picked to be his running mate? And, why has it taken so long for the Republican Party to finally give Republican women a voice?
Hi Tami,
Great story tonight on CNN. Nice blog. I will be back to check it out tomorrow. Take care and God Bless.
I won't try to argue with you for liking Sarah Palin and identifying with her. The problem with her as a candidate for the 2nd-to-highest office in the country is that more than half the country doesn't identify itself as conservative, and many Americans are not Christians. So pushing a "rock star" candidate because she's someone who you agree with on social issues doesn't necessarily make sense for the entire country.
I would argue that all voters, conservative and liberal, should focus on economic, fiscal, educational, environmental and safety issues rather than hot-button issues like abortion and gay marriage. I think we should choose leaders not because they remind us of ourselves, or because we feel like it would be fun to get together and have a cup of coffee and chat with them, but because they've displayed the ability to handle themselves on a national and global scale when dealing with these weighty issues.
Just saw you on AC360. Your hearts may be in the right place, but you're misguided. How do you respond to the hypocrisy? Palin preaches family values and abstinence, while her 17 year old is having unprotected premarital intercourse. She calls Obama a pal to terrorists, while Todd Palin himself actually belonged to the Alaska Independence Party known for it's past terrorist threats. Total hypocrisy! You folks have to stop watching FOX News all day, read a book beside the bible now and then, and realize what a mess your country is in thanks to 8 years of Bush, and 12 years of Republican Congress... then again, you're probably wealthy and unaffected by the economic crisis, sit around the house all day drinking lemonade with your bible buddies, and complain how the liberal media elites are ruining the country. I pray for you all...
Saw the piece about the blog on CNN - a good portrayel, no doubt. I'm middle of the road, kind of apolitical who has been intrigued by Sarah Palin. However, the more I hear about her, the more concerned I become. She is passionate, indeed, a loving and caring mom, do doubt, but the venom coming from her is un-Christian. How can she tolerate muderous threats and racists attitudes said publicly at her events? I know - or at least I hope - that she does not espouse such comments but to hear them and do nothing gives tacit approval. She has a compeling story, both personally and professionally, why stoop to this level? If Christian evangelism sounds like this, we're in trouble. Either way, she and all of us will be in my prayers.
I think Palin looks like a decent enough woman but I don't think for a minute that she is qualified to become commander in chief if required.
If she spends another decade studying policy (not just 4 weeks of cliff notes), then she might make a good candidate. She has natural charisma. Unfortunately she doesnt have the knowledge that we require of national candidates.
I found it funny that the report said 50% of comments were anti-Plain. I would say more around 89% are and for a reason. No one wants to silence you. This is America. however Sarah Palin would silence my voice to choose!! It seems to be you "moms" don't care about anybody but your perfect cookie cutter worlds. You have a beautiful home, you look very well off so excuse me if I don't think you can speak for the majority of Americans who are in the middel class, who are struggling. You don't know that world neither does Palin, but Obama does. Obama was raised by his grandmother, lived off of food stamps, you don't understand that world, Obama understand what familes like mine go through and that is why he is MY candidate, he is the candidate of the PEOPLE because he stands up for EVERYONE in this country! I came to this blog to see your opinons as I am an open-minded person what I got from you "moms" were nothing but closed minded opinions I was so disappointed. Calling him a terrorsit, you throw the word out so lightly!! You show your lack of respect to all those families that lost loved ones on 9/11 by throwing the term out so loosley. I am so proud of Obama for staying above the fray even when Palin(who you say is a model for christians to follow) shows such intolerance and just plain pettiness.As if his name has anything to do with his character. There are more serial killers out there named John than Obama. Lukily most americans can see through your party's petty distractions and Obama will win this election.
No I definately won't visit here again.
hmm, I'm not sure what to think of all of this - I guess what I don't understand is why we all need to "relate" to our president, or vice president for that matters, I mean I feel like being a president is a serious job, like a 14 hour a day job. This is what I don't get, I have 4 kids and I am blessed to be able to look after then all everyday because my husband can support us, but how the heck is sarah going to juggle her mom duties with dealing with bin laden, the economy, and god knows what else. I mean there is a 1 in 5 chance that McCain will die in the next 4 years, which would make her president, for real, how is she going to deal with all of that when she obviously has almost zero knowledge of world matters - i just don't see how it's going to work.
I'm sorry that any of you have been exposed to personal attacks.
That being said, it shocks me that seemingly intelligent women would be so excited by someone who cannot put together a complete, coherent sentence if faced with a question to which she had no answer memorized.
Regardless, I wish you all the best. May God bless you.
For the record, I think it's highly unlikely Palin will ever hold any national office.
I am so glad that this country has come so far as to have a female as a serious candidate for VP and I suppose I understand how people can find her relatable. However, do you really think that just because she could stop by for a snack and some laughs she would be able to lead the country if needed? I also do not understand how the "liberal media" has been unfair in their interviews. They asked legitimate questions and she froze. Would you want someone who couldn't even rattle off the names of a few reputable periodicals to be sent abroad to represent our country when she has to speak without a script?
What do we really know about this woman, My feeling is that McCain Picked Palin only to not win the election.
I personally was going to vote for McCain because he was not the normal right wing, but Palin is so not my views.
So OBAMA will get my vote. McCain is just to unstable, he may push the wrong button and who knows what Palin will do????Scary
Just watched the CNN segment.My father is a proud veteran, I was raised in a born again christian home, went to Jerry Falwell's University, &many of my friends are still in the church (in various capacities and - like you - many are moms.Despite their religious convictions,only two of these friends I know support Sarah Palin, & each one of them are completely in the dark about the reality of the state of affairs our country is in,have no knowledge of history OR foreign affairs (like Sarah). She's nice & cute - and a fabulous speaker. But she is completely and utterly inexperienced.If people do not see this, they simply do not want to see it. It's sad that your socialistic conservatism supersedes your common sense. There is NO way someone can watch her interviews & not shudder at the fact that she has NO idea how to answer the questions. Wake up ladies - this is our & your kids FUTURE we are talking about. Would you let your kids go to a nanny who has never held a child before? NO. Why are you supporting a woman who might lead our country who has no idea how to do so? Please think. Don't let your social morals cloud your judgement.These are dangerous times. We need someone who has learned their lessons BEFORE going into office.
The CNN segment was fair. I hope you will be fair and not remove this comment.
i have to say that i couldn't help but take notice that it seems that you have a very nice home. you and your friends seemed to all very dressed very nice, with perfect hair and makeup. i wouldn't really expect that someone like you or your friends would really understand what the middle class of america is going through. I'm sure you and your family comfortably pay for your home and have great health insurance. WAKE UP!!!! the rest of the country is struggling while you and your bimbo socialite stay at home moms are voicing your opinions in front of the tv cameras. you and your hypocritical bible thumping evangelical bottle blonde friends need to step aside. you've had eight years to enjoy your trophy wife lives. the american people are standing up and fighting back now, and mccain is right...change is coming. unfortunately none of you get it and you're not going to be part of the change. Change is is spelled O-B-A-M-A. BTW. kinda curious how you managed to convince your husband to let you put your shoes back on, and leave the kitchen. you're a disgrace to real women.
I saw this thing on CNN tonight. I wanted to gouge my eyes out, but then I just started laughing uncontrollably when the creator of this blog said "...We could have snacks with her and talk and have a ball." And rightfully so, since you all have one thing in common with Sarah Palin...you are all morons. What a useless piece of journalism this was. Thanks, and have a wonderful night.
I am ONLY reading this as the mother of four who watches CNN...otherwise I'd never know you exist.
I don't know anyone who likes Sarah Palin! Did you see the Intellegent Repubican Women on CNN tonight? They hate her!
Why do you think Mc Cain is so cranky lately? His trick didn't work!
Your are blinded by religon!
Anderson Cooper is gay, by the way. Yes, gay. You know, those sinful gays that Sarah Palin "respects" for their "choice"?
I hate to break it to you, but Obama (that evil antichrist muslim terrorist with a silly name!) is going to win the election. McCain did a bad job in the debate and is plummeting in the polls. It's cute to see that you're all feisty and still have hope though!
Can't break your drive - keep on doing what you do. You look like an average hockey mom - maybe you'll get picked as VP in 2012? If Sarah Palin can do it, there's chances for hockey moms and joe sixpack Americans like us everywhere.
See you in 2012!
I'd try to persuade you that you're wrong, and that Sarah Palin is tragically under-qualified for the position she seeks (not to mention John McCain's rampant inadequacies), but it's not like the McCain/Palin ticket's going to win, anyway.
I'm not a Democrat. In fact, I lean to the right. But choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate was the last piece of proof anyone in their right mind needed that John McCain is out of touch with the vast majority of the country, not to mention reality. And that's why a landslide seems more and more inevitable.
Obama/Biden isn’t the best this country can do. But that ticket is so far ahead of what McCain/Palin offers it boggles the mind anyone supports the GOP candidates at all.
Enjoyed the piece on CNN even though I'm opposed to Palin's candidacy.
There are numerous problems with Palin. A careful inspection of governor Palin's calendar, shows that she has 12 hours (yes 12 hours) of experience dealing with foreign delegates. Secondly if you were the mother of an infant such as baby Trig (sp) would you take him to so many places at all hours of the night and day?
If you are willing to look past her lack of experience, that's one thing. But calling a mother that uses her infant as a "prop" responsible, is beyond belief.
It is politics. McCain is using Sarah Palin to further his career. If elected she will just be a pawn in the whole game. Remember its McCain who will be the president not Sarah Palin.
Also, I am not sure if GOD FORBID something happens to McCain, will Sarah Palin be ready to talk to the Pakistan President effectively? Sarah palin would be great as my neighbor but I am not confident that she is ready to be my leader.
I'm sorry, Tami....and you probably won't publish this...I am a registered Republican 50 yr. old woman who is voting Dem. for the first time. Palin is NOT like most of us. You have to understand that MOST of us women are NOT strict religious conservatives..that's just the way it is. She does NOT hold the same views as the majority.
i just barely heard about this website from cnn (whom i think is rather unfair to conservatives)Nice to know that you support sarah palin. Hey i got excited when i heard that sarah palin was selected to be the vp too and i'm not a mom, i'm a just a regular teen in college. I was so worn by the media portraying obama to be something he really isn't. sometimes i wonder if he pays the media to say good stuff about him. well, anyways, i don't want for women to go whoring around and getting abortions like crazy, and i can't support gay marriage. This country was founded by christians who fervently served God. The moment america starts ignoring God, will be the moment that God will punish america for being ungrateful and forgetful about who put her in power in the first place. i wonder what the founding fathers of this country would say about this election?
Sarah has my vote!! and John of course. We need hope and they give us hope! Every election we vote for change and we get the same old stuff. I've always been a stay at home homeschool mother and now widowed, we need health insurance. If they changed the rules just slightly with medicare and medicaid we could get that but nobody's listening. Somebody needs to clean up our nation, instead of sending money, medication and food to other countries. Sarah we need you!!
I congratulate you on your blog!
I saw the CNN story this evening and was moved. I am like you-- a conservative, a mother, a Christian, a woman who loves her country, loves God and respects others...and I want you know to know that I stand behind you. We are the silent majority...we don't hate or spread vitriol, but we know what is right. For those who spread hate on this blog... your actions speak for themselves.
I Love Sarah Palin!
We need her in Washington because our "experienced politicians" prove time and time again they do this country more harm than good.
I just don't understand why because "you can relate to her" via her religious beliefs, that shouldn't be included in government anyway, does that qualify her to lead the American government....I moved to Tokyo because of sentiments like this...and continue to shake my head at people like you.
Go get 'em Sarah keep up the fight and for the people that don't support her don't comment on her!
I am a Christian mother and I just cannot understand how anyone can support a woman who incites hatred. The past few days, at Palin's rallies, people have yelled comments when she has talked about Barack Obama such as "kill him" and "off with his head." Sarah Palin said nothing....nothing at all to these people. A christian should have said something. No, you cannot convince me that this woman is following God's teachings if she encourages this type of behavior and does NOTHING whatsoever to try and stop it. She is as guilty as the person who made the despicable comment. If something were to happen because of her stirring up all this hatred, then she would be responsible. I would feel a measure of respect for her if she would denounce these horrible, vicious attacks on another human being and step back and ask herself, what would Jesus do. Jesus would not stand there and let people say such dreadful, hateful things. You can never convince me that he would. I'm surprised that a christian can approve of this type of behavior.
I find it really astonishing that you women call yourself Christians. How is that there is such hate in the Republican party. It was so evident watching the news and hearing all the hate spew out of the mouths of McCain/Palin supportors. More hate from Bill O'Rielly, Rush and all the rest of the goons. You surround yourself with bigots and hippocrits. It's no wonder you can't see peace or unity. Your too busy hating everyone who isn't exactly like you pathetic war freaks. You hide behind your religion, but you should be ashamed of what you stand for. And that is hate, lies and ignorance. I hope to God, and yes, I do believe in God. ONLY my God is forgiving not like the God you praise. God is not for hateful close-minded freaks of nature.
you really think McCain chose palin for any other reason else that she is a woman and would bring in woman voters?
I used to admire the guy, but he has just caved in big time to all of those idiots on his advising team, had he stuck to his guns he would be 10 points ahead. This poor Palin girl is just being used like a puppet.
Just saw the CNN piece myself and I must say I found it disturbing to say the least. C’mon people, Sarah’s running for the number 2 job in the world. Think about that for a moment please. Is she really prepared to be the so-called leader of the free world, if something happens to McCain? Voting for her on the premise that you can “relate” to her or you “get” her is just absurd. The “bulldog” stuff and the comments regarding her being “one of us” are just ridiculous. There are plenty of people out there I’m sure you can all “relate” with. It doesn’t mean they’re fit for the job. What an embarrassment. If any of you ladies are voting for her because of any significant political experience, you sure had a way of showing it.
I just watched the CNN piece; I thought you ladies were great!Like Sarah, you seem like of lot of us Moms; smart women with traditional values. I'm so glad they brought up poll numbers; and that you let it be known that we (conservative Women) aren't the ones being polled! YOU GO GIRLS
I saw your piece too on CNN, and I'm always one of the first to tell people that this is free country where people are free to make their own choices (i.e., your choice of McCain/Palin). That being said, it's hard for me to fathom that people honestly think that McCain/Palin is the best ticket to take this country forward. John McCain has fumbled the ball on this current economic crisis so many times, people have probably lost count. I, along with probably so many other Americans, are just not at all confident in John McCain's economic understanding and abilities.
If you've read any of Sen McCain's history at all, then you would know that he has basically skated by his entire life. He was handed everything because of his family pedigree. He didn't even take his education seriously as he graduated at the bottom of his class. Sarah Palin didn't fare much better, as she jumped from school to school switching up her majors before she finally graduated.
My point is this, we've had 8 years with a President who, although probably well intentioned, was not the brightest, GWB also skated by a bit because of his family pedigree, and look where our country is currently under his leadership. I know John McCain's slogan is "Country First", well maybe it's time to put "Smart People First" (and at the risk of sounding "elitist" Sen. Obama graduated at the top of his class) and let someone with the intelligence and wherewithal take over the reigns and bring this country back to greatness.
I saw the piece about you and your friends on CNN, and, quite frankly, I was surprised at the fair treatment you were given -- especially when CNN has been "in the tank" for Obama all through the primaries.
I'm a Hillary Democrat, but I'm with Sarah and John this November!
Thanks for speaking up for Sarah. She needs a little more experience and a little more exposure to world issues, but she's a quick study and has a lot of spunk and enthusiasm, so she'll be just fine as our next VP!
I'm delighted you like Sarah Palin. And that she's the kinda gal you'd like to have over for coffee. And snacks. Can you invite her over tomorrow? And the next day. And the next one. And maybe every day for the next month? That way, the rest of us don't have to listen to the rubbish that comes out of her mouth everytime she speaks. Thanks gals. Much appreciated.
You go girls!! I'm so glad to see you all on the News. When Sen. Obama came on the scene with his experience of three years, I was blindly on board....UNTIL I realized he's done nothing!!!!!! Ever!!! Come on you educated people lets start with the basics here...John McCain may not be the ideal candidate, but wholly moley...at least he's done more than Sen. Obama! Sarah Palin has truly more executive experience than Sen. Obama. Haven't any of you lead? Do you know what a leader does?? Who would you rather remodel your home a "newbie" electrician/contractor?? Or would you go with the guy who has done dozen of other homes before yours??
Ladies I'll be back to support you!! I'm also a military wife...God Bless and your more supported than you know!!
The only thing more pathetic than Palin are the limited thinkers who continue to try to defend her at this point. She simply doesn't have it. She's proven to be an embarrassment for women. Not only has she proven beyond any doubt that she's unfit for vice president and of course, president but she's proven unfit to be governor of Alaska! This is not a time to support such a shallow character simply because she looks like you. Declaring one's self as a bitch in lipstick is nothing to be proud of. You should want someone smarter than you running the country. There are many reasons why the republican campaign keeps changing it's platform to look more like Obama's - it's because he's the best. Get on the winning team and save yourself.
I dare republicans to stay focused on the issues.
I think the "lady" that has this web site is totally disengenuious. She proclaimed tonight on CNN that she was a good "Christian" woman and then goes on a hateful tirade against everyone that doesnt agree with her.
That is NOT being a good Christian. Even if you disagree with a person, you dont get hateful with them and try to demean and insult them. You respeect the views of others.
I hate it when some people use the guise of Christianity to be so dishonest and fraudulent.
Anyone that says that they think that Sarah Palin is totally honest and straightforward with the electorate is both blind and deaf. She has been caught in so many LIES that her nose should be at least 2 feet long by now.
And then there is her condenscending attitude that she displays towards other individuals. Who the hell does she think that she is that she believes that she is so much more than you or I? How hippocritical.
I think you ladies that have bought her spewing hatred and dishonest remarks should take another look at this woman.
In the past I have heard other politicans being called the anti-christ. If there ever was a politican that fulfills the attributes of the anti-christ, this is it. She claims to have the "authority from God to heal" others and that she speaks directly to God and he told her that the war in Iraq is just and that he (God) supports it. Pleeezzze. What an honor that she was chosen out of 340,000,000 plus people to have direct contact with God.
That being said, ladies. Maybe you should erect a monument to her and start worshipping her. She must be ordained by God to be your saviour of all wrongs.
It is so sad that so many people are nothing more than sheep. Sheep that would follow each other off the cliff just because they have been brainwashed. Remember, that is how the Nazis persuaded the Jewish people to get on the train to Auschwitz. They thought it would be in their best interest also. Dont be fooled again. This woman is NOT who she proclaims to be. To put her on a pedestal and "worship" her is against everything that God's word all Christians should adhere to.
Since I have not used profanity, offensive coments or got off topic, I expect that this should be posted. If not, then I will know that this blog is biased and bigoted as is the McCain/Palin campaign. This will also be posted on YouTube and others, so I hope that this is a "straight shooter" blog and post my comments under my right to my opinion since I fought in Vietnam to make you free enough to have this blog to begin with. Thank you. I wish you well.
I am a Christian conservative and not for Palin. I feel she is a little out there on her Christian views of somethings and that she gives Christians a bad name. Although she is told what to say as a Christian she should check the facts out first or have a Christian group of fact checkers check it out first so she doesn't end up lying on tv. You can go to factcheck.org and see the lies or half truths she told during the debate. One of the ten commandments is thou shall not lie yet I beleve she lies everytime she talks. The bible also calls us to love your neighbor as yourself. I see no love coming out of her mouth. We are also called to encourage one another and to pray for one another I don't believe she does any of that towards the Obama/Biden ticket.
So I guess as a Christian I'm disappointed she doesn't represent us better in her speech and in the things she does. I'm glad she is pro-life and against gay marriage but those two things don't override the sins coming out of her. People think Christains are false and alinging herself with McCain and saying the things she says doesn't draw people to be Christians. We are suppose to be lights in this world and show the world that we are different and that we can stand strong against the evil of this world and knowingly try not to sin. I'm ashamed that she is a Christian because she gives us a bad name. But She is accountable to God for every word she says and every political ad that goes out that her name is included on. I think when she stands before Christ she will be sad that she did these things. I know I ashamed of her for following the world instead of standing strong in her faith. But it is a great lesson for teaching my children whom I homeschool that this is not how a Christian should act and why the Bible says that.
Just something to think about and discuss. But please do go to factcheck.org to she where she was false on things she said at the debate.
Its so nice to hear from a bunch of average women, just ordinary folk who dont work and live in mcmansions. Do you believe that if Obama is elected he'll take away our hummers and surrender the country to gay terrorists?! Hes so out of touch, hes an elitist!! That Michelle Obama thinks shes so great just because she "has a job" and "makes money" and "has struggled a single day in her life". Sorry I dont need no president Smarty pants. I just cant wait to have a president who looks like how i would look if i were better looking.
Good interview ladies!
It is comforting to know there are
still good decent normal people in other parts of the country too.
It's truly amazing that ANYONE that with over a 5th grade education would think Sarah Palin would be a good choice for running this country. She's truly an idiot, and so are you for thinking her smug unexperienced, corrupt self is capable of running her own home, much less my country.
Well, now that i think about it, it appears that she cant even run her own house..pregnant unwed teen daughter, son who had a choice of jail or the military...oh yeah, she's the right choice!
I saw you big Ole Gals on Cnn. SO SO Sad. Tsk Tsk. Conservative huh.. I don't think you gals are very conservative with your food. "sit down and have snacks" You big fatty women are pathetic. You like Palin just because she is a woman. What a stupid reason to vote. PLEASE READ THIS POST. This is very important because Im am telling you about your pathetic lives!!!! GO OBAMA!!! ALl you big women do is have children and spend your hard working husbands money. Gross!!!! you all are so very ugly people, inside and out. How can your ugly ignorant cottage cheese asses be on television????
Your husbands will cheat on you will a younger and sexier woman. You will get fatter and have awefull awefull children who will not love you, and you will never find another man to love you. This will be your lives. Mark my words. Your husbands will vote for Obama just to spite you.
She's being used as a token, you guys don't see it. He only picked her because he thought she would bring him a winning ticket. He could have cared less about what she had to offer, he only wants to win. SCARY, VERY VERY SCARY.
I ran across your blog on the 360 website and couldn't resist checking it out. I've been laughing out loud at the stupidity of your narrative and some of the Palin-maniacs who've written comments. Jeez. Any well-educated woman would recognize Palin as a poser and egomaniac who is completely unqualified for this important position. Sorry, but I'd much rather have a Harvard-educated expert on Constitutional law in the White House than two academic losers who can't string five words together (unless it's to lie).
There's a silent majority? You're kidding me right? Yes, there are just thousands of silent Palin supporters out there clamoring to hear her borderline moronic interviews.
Oh wait...that's right, she won't do any with anyone other than Fox News now b/c they ask questions that require actual knowledge & intelligence.
This election is over.
Wow...that's pretty much all I can say about the above comments. I'm glad that all of you who wrote all these hateful comments above are supporters of Obama but I feel bad for him because I'm pretty sure that if he saw what you wrote he would rather have you not vote at all. Who would want to be associated with anyone who has the guts to tell someone else that they should be ashamed to be alive? Go ahead and voice your opinions but there are more tactful ways...your the type of people who make all the rest of Democrats look like complete assholes.
Glad you have a site for the Sarah Palin fight. You either love her or hate her...because she's someone new and different. I think she's great. I think we need more people like her in WA DC. This country is on it's way to becoming some kind of socialist society if Obama gets ellected. Obama is going to make our country morally filthy and less secure...The terrorists are hoping he gets elected....that should tell us something. McCain will help us stay safe for 4 more years at least.
If Barak Husein Obama get elected Iran will eat US in few days.
I just saw the piece on CNN and I felt compelled to come give you encouragement. I am a Christian Believer and fully support Sarah Palin and applaud her for standing strong in her beliefs, even though the media leads us to believe no one believes this anymore.
Continue to keep this blog going, keep the faith. Let's all keep encouraging each other that God hears our prayers and we must stand in the gap!!!
Gina Snyder
I am no longer a democrat and definately not a republican. I am absolutely disgusted with the behavior of my fellow Americans! Do any of you realize that it does not matter who wins this election! We are screwed either way! The problem is the jerks in our congress and senate! If any of you have a brain, you will vote them out!!! Obama or McCain do not give a damn about any of you. It is time we stop fighting are start sticking together. Stop treating this as some kind of high school popularity contest and grow up!
I just saw the CNN report here on the West coast and wanted to THANK YOU for taking a stand in support of this woman who is only guilty of loving her country enough to put up with all the garbage being thrown at her in this campaign. Sarah Palin is willingly standing up next to a true American Hero and gentleman, John McCain, who nearly gave his life for this country and since then, has worked for years as a public servant. I'm not sure that many of those who commented above me have any appreciation or understanding of that type of sacrifice...and that is what the problem is with this country. I would much rather put my country's future in the hands of a man with the ideals of country first and a woman who values life than in any other candidate in this race.
I think all American should be proud of Sarah Palin. were in the world you find a strong women's like her. She was perfect in the debeat and perfect when she speech to the public.
I think all American should be proud of Sarah Palin. were in the world you find a strong women's like her. She was perfect in the debeat and perfect when she speech to the public.
Tami, you sure stirred em up girl. Great job! I felt such comfort in your home and with your friends.
You looked beautiful on TV. I am so proud of you for your stand and happy I found you months ago. you are a blessing.
Sara stills seems to glow no matter how much trash is spoke about her. It reminds me of a song we sang in Sunday school.. This little light of mine im gonna let it shine.My favorite part was wont let Satan blow it out! Stand strong Sara and you aren't fighting flesh and blood sweetie.
Like the mother of four said, you truly are blinded by religion.
I saw the piece tonight. We even recorded it! It was good. I am very proud of you. I couldn't help but notice how all these people are saying you are misguided. It somewhat annoys me. Who is to say they are not the ones that are misguided. Obama pushes "Change", but what is this "change" all about? Maybe, just maybe, these people who are accusing you of being misguided, are just blinded themselves.
Keep up the good work!
She is great..
I heard about this blog on CNN. I thought I'd check it out. Wow! - I had no idea how ignorant some people are about Governor Palin. She is the most unqualified person I have seen running for an public office. We have real problems in this country today and we need serious people to solve them. Sarah Palin doesn't fit the bill, there are plenty of conservatives who also think this, and now that McCain's falling in the polls, he and his 'pitbull' are falling back to dirty politics because they have no substance on the issues. I mean I heard clips of Sarah Palin insinuating that Barack Obama is basically a terrorist by association. Not only has her remarks put Obama in danger, but they are disgraceful, they are Un-American. She should be ashamed of herself. There are even clips of McCain speeches where people yell out that Obama is a "terrorist" and that he should be "killed." Is this what you and your so-called Christian values represent... Un-American and racist remarks? Whomever you are -the person that has posted this blog... why don't you do a little research on your beloved Sarah Palin. How about you look up her "witch-hunter" pastor or why don't you do a little research into Todd Palin's ties to the Alaska Independence Party...
As a Strong Black Woman stop the attacks on Obama. HE is going to win it all finally we will have a down to earth person who can relate to our needs. Palin can go tend to her children they need her now...especially the pregnant one. The biggest mistake that McCain made was picking Palin. Do you honestly think that this country wants a nagging whinning woman that thinks she is so clever. Blinking and winking aint gonna cut it.
P.S. Your husbands will not vote for Palin because they already have nags and hens in their lives.
BEYOND STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does anyone think that Palin has a conflict of interest issue since she has not one, but two, family crisis at hand? Will she choose her children or the country should there be a crisis with both at the same time?
No one wants to silence you, its too funny that their are people out there retarded/"Palin Baby" enough to vote for someone like Palin. We came to this blog to she how dumb you housewives are. I can't wait till you all die and realize there is no god and you are now worm food and the only thing you contributed to this earth is too many children and SUV sells.
Wow, I would like to know what you women think about all of the comments that were left after the CNN segment tonight? As you can see through this BLOG and the polls, you are in the minority as far as the beliefs and support of your beloved Palin goes. I am just insulted and embarrassed for the millions of women around the world that have accepted this as your hero. Well, instead of continuing to waste time on what is not going to come to fruition for you, I would suggest that all of you start holding therapeutic sessions on how you are going to have to support the first Black president...scoreboard!
I almost feel sorry for you. Blinded is right. Not fighting flesh and blood? Really? I like to think we have control over what we do. Too bad some people disagree.
Some of you don't even know enough about your own candidate that your only comebacks are your comments on the women who created this blog...talk about being smart...
Can you honestly say that Sarah Palin would be able to step in if McCain for some reason could not fulfill his term if he was elected. You are naive and need to pay closer attention. Has she had anything useful to say? Please listen to her words, does it make sense? Is this someone who can be a leader of our country? Do you realize that? I had to ask because it seems as if your not really aware. Come on, grow up, this is Our Country, Our Future.
To say Ms. Palin is a Christian...is just a bold face lie. The things she says (which she knows ARE UNTRUE)certainly calls into question her integrity...let alone how "Christian" she is. I know God is watching and he is SHAKING HIS HEAD at you and her. Beware of FALSE PROPHETS...and you certainly got one there.
The fact that you and you fellow conservative evangelical female friends support her....just demonstrates to me (AND OTHERS)...why we are so screwed up in this country (because we allow uninformed superstitious people like yourself the right to vote or to have an opinion). Not only that, but YOU FEEL THE NEED TO PUSH YOUR CONSERVATIVE SUPERSTITIOUS BELIEFS ON EVERYONE AROUND YOU...thus this blog.
You and your friends are an embarrassment as an American citizen, as a global human being and to women of intelligence everywhere. KEEP YOU BELIEFS AND YOUR RELIGION TO YOURSELF...and leave me & mine alone.
As I watched this piece on CNN, I could not help but notice the ticker at the bottom of the screen. The global economy is having a meltdown, and you ladies want to have snacks with Sarah Palin???
God help America!!!
Whoa, the "Jesus freaks" guy is mad! Don't worry dude, soon the Rapture will take these people away.
I'm just wondering, really, how Palin and McCain's recent strategies during their campaign rallies reflect the Christian values that you and CNN said you and your supporters stand for. I mean, how does inciting crowds to violent, racist, and frankly threatening remarks (again, largely based on race) fit in with Christian ideas of tolerance, justice, and humanity? How does this fit in especially when Palin and McCain willfully chose to ignore such remarks instead of denouncing them as they occur? I don't care what political party anyone supports--there is no more room for racist hate in America. Would you tolerate such language and actions from your own children?
Saw the piece and appreciate your articulation of what it is about Gov Palin that is so appealing. Those who don't "get" it don't "get" us either. As mom's we have to trust our instincts, it is fundamental to doing our job. My instincts are 100% right about Sarah Palin. She is authentic and how privileged we will be to have her standing beside John McCain in the White House.
My instincts also tell me that if McCain/Palin do not prevail this election, that we will be entering into uncharted waters. There are too many questions about the character of Sen Obama and his ability to commit to a decision or for that matter make one.
For those of you who are still trying to make up your mind, or think you have, take a look at this site.
Since my first amendment right has already been taken away from me because CNN supports filters anything negative about Obama Nation it time I reveal the truth. Why is there a link for the Obama campaign on the CNN.com home page and not one for McCain? This is why.
Time Warner gave $330,000 to the Obama campaign. Anything over $2,300 must be reported so you can look it up yourself. Time Warner owns CNN and is just protecting there best interest.
Watch the full 10 minute video.
Key searches you must look up on Youtube.com!!!
Obama teaches kids like Hitler
Obama Muslim
Obama vs. Obama
Obama air raid village and kill
This should piss you off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just saw the CNN piece and I want to add my name to the list of women who SUPPORT SARAH PALIN. I have gotten so sick of hearing that a woman would not support her or the ticket she is on. As a woman I am proud to support John McCain and Sarah Palin. It is nice to see and hear the voices of conservative christian women who have something to stand for, like not killing innocent babies.
It's shocking to see women falling for "personality" and "telegenics" to base their vote and their children's future on? Not one of these women spoke about Palin's quals/experience on issues like health care, the economy, social security, national security. Are some women really that superficial and uneducated?
Great blog! I found you from cnn.com. I love Sarah Palin. I feel she is the "real deal." We need an outsider like her in the white house. Thank you for setting this blog up.
I just saw the piece on CNN and I like Sara Palin as well. I think she has some great morals and values which are very important. But the problem is, so did President Bush and look at the mess he's got us in. The question should be can she run the country? Doesn't look like it. Bad choice by McCain. THis country can't afford any more bad decisions. Republics call Obama inexperienced and green, but the truth of the matter is that there is no way he could of done as well as he has in Congress and in this election is he didn't know a little bit of something. My vote is leaning towards Obama!
Hi. I am a Jewish single mother, one of those Americans who does not have healthcare for my children or myself and is on the verge of losing my home. In no good conscience could I ever support Mccain or Sarah Palin for that matter. It bothers me that people think her winks during the debate were cutesy or find it kosher to talk about what she was wearing...who cares when people are eating ramen noodles for weeks and losing their homes and jobs??? I really do not care for her mainly based on her track record in Alaska and I won't say anything nasty but I do not relate to her as a woman what so ever I do not think she lives in the same reality some of us women who are struggling terribly live in and many other women I have spoken to personally agree. I'm not really worried I don't see Mccain winning and although I do not share your view points on her or your conservative views as to where they are religiously related I must give you kudos for your passion and who I am to knock such passion? Just remember there are us women and mothers who are not Christian (in my case Jewish)who do not share your ideas and beliefs and we are passionate about our freedoms and ideas as well but no matter who wins the important part afterwards is putting the political nonsense behind us and standing together as women and mothers to ensure our children have a future.
A passionate woman.
I don't unerstand how peopl can support her. She fires someone for not doing her dirty work. Funny how they just start their invistigation on him after he refuses to the fire her former brther in law. After the rumors were going on for a while. But they choose only to fire him after he refused to fire her ex brother in-law. Why does her people who refuse to testify not get arrested for contempt? Wouldn't anyone else get arrested for not listening to the judge? PALIN CORRUPTION AT ITS GREATEST.
I love Sarah Palin! She is an absolute breath of fresh air. I'm a forty four year old married mother of a one from small town Ohio, well educated, and a Jewish democrat and I will be voting for McCain*Palin. I Don't have a clue who Senator Obama really is and the more I seem to learn the more I don't like his elite,arrogant personality or the people who seem to have shaped his life. McCain and Palin are the real deal and I will be voting for them on November 4th.
Love your web site! Don't listen to all the negative feedback. Keep up the good work!
McCain/Palin 08!
I watched the piece on CNN tonight, and honestly, have never felt more ashamed to call myself an American woman. Of course, I had to come and check out your blog personally. I do commend you for at least having a coherent and somewhat informative blog, although it doesn't seem fitting that a blog supporting Sarah Palin should actually, you know, make sense. The fact of the matter is Sarah Palin is an embarrassment to not only American woman, but just Americans in general, ya know, all of those average joes and hockey moms out there, wink wink. Ug, I could rant forever but I am relieved to see the majority of previous comments agree with me, and have pretty muched summed up everything there is to say about Sarah Palin. Open up your eyes and stop putting intelligent women to shame!!
Hey, good for you getting your voice out there, and for allowing all comments on this site. I can appreciate that you identify with Palin's conservative beliefs, but I'm sorry, my support for McCain went out the window the day he chose Palin as his running mate. He doesn't identify with her -- he chose her to win the nomination. As cute as she is, she is NOT qualified to be president. She has NOT been vetted. There are millions of hockey moms out there who should be respected for what they do every day for this country. But that doesn't make them qualified to run the military and negotiate with world leaders. Her attempts to tear down Obama with these recent attacks are certainly beneath someone who claims to be ready for the highest job in the land.
Hi Tami- I saw the CNN piece! Thank you once again for being a voice for Sarah supporters. Keep it up! Dawn
It is sad to assume that the majority of Christians support Palin/McCain. I am one of many Christians who supports Obama/Biden 08.
Palin is not commited to anyting at all. Going to 5 different colleges to get a 4 year degree? What is she going to do if they some how rig the elections for them to win and she finds out that job has too much stress? WALK AWAY OF COURSE.
Obama’s Slip-ups.
1. Obama has sat now many comities with Ayers
2. Obama has gotten has illegal campaign contributions from people named “Good Year” and “Hudzha Dughtau and over 330,000 from Time Warner. McCain has released info on all campaign contributors. No secrets with him.
3. Obama has been quoted say saying “I’m visited 55 states and I got 2 left to go”
57 states now? That’s the number of regions in the Muslim world.
4. Yesterday, the day of an anti Obama book was released in Kenya; the author of the book was assisted in Kenya for know reason. Why is this important? Because Obama’s dad lives in Kenya. I’m going to bet his dad is behind this.
5. Obama voted for the “Infant Born Alive Act” supporting the killing of fetus that survives a felled abortion by letting suffocate in its ambeontic fluid. I guess Obama believes in corporal punishment. Obama voted 26 times in support of abortions. LOOK IT UP!!
6. Obama to this day supports an origination named Acorn to help get inter-city people registered to vote. Acorn is now being investigated for over 50,000 voter fraud cases for this presidential election in many battleground states including Ohio and Montana.
During this campaign many fraises have been coined. One of them is “A pig with lipstick is still a pig”. I say a terrorist in a nice suite is still a terrorist.
Fool me once shame on you.
Fool me twice shame on me.
Fool me three times, you’re a terrorist.
Fool me four times; I’m just a complete d#mb@ss.
Fool me five times; American is a communist country
Fool me six times; American becomes a Muslim nation and are border will be lowered to let them all in.
Are some women really that superficial and uneducated?
I think Tami & friends answered your question on national TV
I believe that Sarah Palin will be what Princess Diana was to Great Britain. She will unite this country, especially women and will eventually win the admiration of people of other countries for what she stands for and the job she will do. She is going to surprise everybody. My one regret is that she isn't running for president. If Obama, the most liberal of liberals in the Senate, wins,we will become a communistic noodle for the Middle East to push around in the plate of evil they are about to dish out.
I grew up White,poor(knowing first hand how it feels to go without food for an entire day because your dad hasn't recieved his payckeck),and I'm pro-choice. I've went on to make something wonderful out of my life...most would consider my life as seen on tonights CNN. That doesn't make a person BAD! I've raised my children not to know race...to judge people by the content of their character. So all those who say "you relegious freaks" you people keep filling your hearts and minds with sludge...I base my vote purely on EXPERIENCE ONLY. Mr.Obama is a fine man...go back to D.C. and shake things up...then come back in 4 years and I'll vote for him...I almost did...before I got the facts!!McCain/Palin 08' Obama/Obama(I think she'd be a great VP)12'
All I suggest is that you realize the media is not "out to get" Mrs. Palin -- they are simply doing the reporting they are paid to do.
Just as FoxNews represents the far right, MSNBC represents the far left. CNN is the only station actively taking the stance of both sides and you -- as well as the republican party should realize that.
I hope your voice carries across the internet and wish you the best of luck.
Since this is the start of the decline of the American Empire. In times like this we as Americans should quit arguing about attacking each of our candidates. STICK TO THE ISSUES. WE ARE GOING THROUGH THE START OF GREAT DECLINE IN THIS COUNTRY. YOU RELIGIOUS FREAKS CAN ONLY FOCUS ON SENATOR BARACK'S MIDDLE NAME. I don't think he is perfect, but I certainly don't agree that Sarah Palin is qualified to possibly become Vice President nor President. VOTE FOR OBAMA AND LETS GET THIS COUNTRY ON THE RIGHT TRACK AGAIN.
Yep...we don't get you, because THERE IS NOTHING TO GET. Any intelligent person (I have a master's degree) can see right past her and for what she really is....A FRAUD AS A HUMAN BEING AND AS A CHRISTIAN. The only thing redeeming about her running for VP...is that the people in Alaska get to see her FOR WHAT SHE REALLY IS...a flake and a fraud. Not only will this woman not be VP, but she's destroyed her chances to be re-elected as governor by her behavior in running for VP.
I have a prediction for Sarah Palin....she won't be VP, she won't be re-elected as governor...and her husband will leave her, as people treat her as the Pariah she really is....kind of like the Pariah you and your friends are to society.
You think any of our politicians are talking about real issues?
Watch this:
They had a thing called "Z-day" on March 15th. Over 700 colleges showed this movie on that day. the number of total views is around 40 million. I like Palin as a person, (as a matter of fact I'd rather vote for her than McCain) but she is so far out of her league it hurts just to listen to her talk.
The funny thing is to listen to religious people after they watch this movie. All they talk about is God's plan, they don't refute what is obvious, but they still act like they are waiting for God so save us. The whole point of part one of this movie is to get people to stop doing that and help yourselves before some not so nice does it for you! Because they will, they have before and they'll do it again! I think that God (that's right, I believe in God 100%) wants us to do things for ourselves. We've been given free-will for a reason, OK?
Somehow with people like you that is a problem. Well what the hell is the problem? If you stand on a train track God will let your dumbass die and if you God God will let you live. Here's the magical reason why, are you ready? Because God is not your babysitter!
Really all women's that's are against Sarah Palin are uneducated at all about foreing policy.
so I advice all women's to go and educated your self about Iran-shiia-sunni-kurds.
Since my first amendment right has already been taken away from me because CNN supports filters anything negative about Obama Nation it time I reveal the truth. Why is there a link for the Obama campaign on the CNN.com home page and not one for McCain? This is why.
Time Warner gave $330,000 to the Obama campaign. Anything over $2,300 must be reported so you can look it up yourself. Time Warner owns CNN and is just protecting there best interest, this being Obama. By the way corporate executives for Time Warner are Muslim. Think about this for a second.
Watch the full 10 minute video.
Key searches you must look up on Youtube.com!!!
Obama teaches kids like Hitler
Obama Muslim
Obama vs. Obama
Obama air raid village and kill
This will piss you off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cannot possibly begin to relate to Sarah Palin and to be honest, I haven't met a woman yet who can. I wonder who and where you are? I don't get it. She not only incites violence but is condescending, sarcastic, hateful and certainly does not come across as any too bright as she continues to tell the story of the bridge to nowhere (and why, we all know the truth by now). She is devisive and what this country needs now is a unifier. She has clearly shown the world her lack of vice presidential qualifications and yet you are willing to see the very real possibility of her becoming president were *that* ticket elected. What century are you all living in?
another things you have to educated your self about and search for an answer to the 2 question mr Obama said.
He want to bomb Pakistan....
he want to bring Sunni-Shiia- Kurd together to talk,and really I mean really, that' the most funny satetement somebody can make.
sorry women's but really go and educated your self.
Sarah you have my vote.
I love Sarah! In her I see a woman can live a life that's complete. In her I see hope. Yes I will be so proud to have a president and leader like her!
Ladies... I am a woman and was raised in a loving "middle class" (whatever that is these days!) home. I can tell you that as a mother of three children, my mom could not afford expensive make-up, hair styles, and accessories like Gov. Palin. As much as we drove her crazy at times, she would never want to be without us for a second. She worked full-time at a low-wage paying job at a local nursing home to support our family and my dad is a disabled Vietnam veteran who stayed home with us. Even though my dad was our primary caregiver, my mom was still HOME at the end of the day. With so many children who aren’t so lucky to have both parents (or sometimes even one parent) at home why would someone voluntarily want to raise their family in that way?
You are a group of moms for Palin. Would you want to be away from your 5-month old baby, especially one with special needs, for any length of time? What kind of role model is that? At various interviews, she has even mentioned that her children often stay with family while her husband is working away as well. That doesn't sound like a mom I would want and certainly not one - even as career driven as I am - would want to be.
You don't have to be middle class to make a difference for those who need help, but Gov. Palin has stated that she is just like us. Making $125,000 a year as Governor, I wouldn't say that's even close. She wore a $2,500 Valentino jacket to the convention! I certainly can’t identify with that and don’t know anyone in my network that could either. And let’s not forget Ms. McCain’s Oscar de la Renta and Escada outfits. If these women really cared about what’s happening to our economy, they wouldn’t be parading around in such flashy attire. I was happy to get my $25 trench from Wal-Mart last week!
My final comment is regarding her stand on abortion. Sarah Palin is against abortion for women who become pregnant by rape or incest. Would you want your daughter to bear a child that was conceived in such a horrific way? Her justification is that we prevent unwanted pregnancies with education and abstinence. If she can't teach that at home, how will she teach that to the young women in our country? Her beliefs in such policies are largely faith-based. Not everyone in America is a Christian and NO religious group's beliefs have any business dictating our rights. Remember history class – Separation of Church and State.
I am proud to vote for "that one", Mr. Barack "HUSSEIN" Obama on Election Day and I hope that you will do your research and get the facts about your rock star.
PS – I am a dog lover and owner and it makes me cringe that she calls herself a pit bull. She seems more like a wannabe Beverly Hills Chihuahua to me.
I'll try again...
You think any of our politicians are talking about real issues?
Watch this:
They had a thing called "Z-day" on March 15th. Over 700 colleges showed this movie on that day. The number of total views is around 40 million. I like Palin as a person, (as a matter of fact I'd rather vote for her than McCain) but she is so far out of her league it hurts just to listen to her talk.
The funny thing is to listen to religious people after they watch this movie. All they talk about is God's plan, they don't refute what is obvious, but they still act like they are waiting for God to save us. The whole point of part one of this movie is to get people to stop doing that and help yourselves before some not so nice does it for you! Because they will, they have before and they'll do it again! I think that God (that's right, I believe in God 100%) wants us to do things for ourselves. We've been given free-will for a reason, OK?
Somehow with people like you that is a problem. Well what the hell is the problem? If you stand on a train track God will let your dumbass die and if you move God will let you live. Here's the magical reason why, are you ready? Because God is not your babysitter, sorry!
My greatest joy recently was taking my 8 year old daughter to see Sarah in Carson California. She's an amazing woman and speaks the truth. She's the only one speaking up about the world zionist conspiracy! We need Sarah in Washington!
I find it amazing that there is so much discussion about qualifications. I have searched high and low and have yet to find a single document that outlines an established list of skills and abilities requisite to assuming the duties of President or Vice President of the United States. In fact, according to Article II of the United States Constitution the qualifications for office of President and Vice President are as follows:
By the time of their inauguration, the President and Vice President must be:
* natural born citizens (or citizens at the time of the Constitution's adoption)
* at least thirty-five years old
* inhabitants for at least fourteen years of the United States.
It would appear Governor Palin meets the criteria for the job.
It saddens me to watch a woman who is willing to come forward and serve be relentlessly battered by rumor and half truths.
I am a conservative woman voter. I am a mother of five, a Marine Corps veteran and a Marine Corps wife... and I support Sarah Palin!
Michele Obama does not speak for this military family!
And my final point, Sarah Palin attacks Obama now while campaigning, saying such untruths like "he's not like us" and "he doesn't see America the way we see America" and "he's palling around with terrorists" which in and of itself incites violence, when just a month or so before she was chosen as John McCain's running mate, she had glowing words for Sen. Obama in a TV interview. Click here to see it. So I ask you now, what are we to believe when it comes to what Sarah Palin says?
Look, Obama's Mother gave him that name. HUSSEIN!!! Its just a name. Go to Church!
Just listen to Glenn Beck, Rush Limbough, and Bill O’Rilly. More mud is revealed on Obama every day. The say thing is you can all look it up and its true but no one seens to cares. Sara Palin got it right when she said Obama hate the county so much to pal around with terrorist.
To the anonymous person signing each post with the initials of FTW ( fuck the world) If you hate this country so much, go live somewhere else. You won't be missed.
I think Sara Palin has energized the McCain camp, without her McCain was done long ago. I think she is an intelligent woman and an inspiring figure, especially for young women. I like that she does bring an average Joe/Jill view point to the public and the election. However, with that said, this is for VP of our country, one step from the President. She has on repeated ocassions shown that she cannot answer questions, respond under pressure and I believe because she is simply uninformed and prepared at this point, really some of the interviews were quite embarassing. The last debate as well, uninformed. She then comes back and answers the same questions 3 or 4 days later when someone obviously has told her what to say. With that said I do believe she could be a good candidate in 4 to 8 years. Furthermore, I do not agree with her on abortion, I respect her pro-life stance (I am pro-choice). However in regards to this situation...if someone has been raped...ex. if your teen daughter was raped by some stranger would you really force or advise her to keep the baby? Really? I think that it crazy, and would ruin a young girls life and be a constant reminder of a horrible event that took place in her life... and I just do not think a sane parent/person would do that and find believing in that just wrong. One final point, she is conservative Christian. The way she has become this mud-slinging robot/puppet of late I do not think represents someone who claims to be a Christian very well and shows that she is not sticking to what she supposedly believes in.
Great site!
Think you can be president? Sure you can...Just because she reminds you of your cousin or your mom, or even yourself, does not make her qualified to be the VP. I am not certain that ignorance is to blame - I THINK EMOTION is. Forget what she looks like, forget that she wears lipstick and makes racial attacks on presidential candidates - USE the brain that GOD gave you. Is she qualified?????? What makes her qualified? Please, someone tell me, because, if she is qualified, then we are in a world of hurt! She could possibly be president and, truth be told, I don't care what color lipstick she is wearing when the next terrorist attack comes our way.
Conservatism is about resisting change - what are you so afraid of? Afraid your world will come undone if all the things you believed suddenly were put into question - would you know what to do if you didn't have a "preacher" or a "husband" or a "VP candidate" to tell you what to do? How many of you will critique a situation and actually disagree with someone you like and respect? This is not rocket science ladies...this is not polite Sunday dinner or the backstage at a beauty pageant - this is our country and our livelihood!!
Just because someone says something does not make it true - THINK!!!! Please, just THINK.
Josh, I'm pro-choice too. I choose LIFE.
Saw the story on CNN, good for you for starting this blog, I will be back often and will pass on to my friends and fellow Palin supporters. It is amazing to me the rude, and completely hateful things that some very ignorant people have posted on here. Please know that there are many of us out there who share your views and appreciate your work to support the McCain/Palin ticket.
Best regards,
For the person who wrote that they have a master's degree insinuating that they were extremely knowledgeable...anyone can get a master's degree by the age of 25. Does anyone know THAT much by 25?
Ladies! Good grief! If I hear one more woman say she "loves" Palin, I'm moving to Norway! In the name of love, get an education; watch TV; read a newspaper; contact the League of Woman Voters. EDUCATE YOURSELVES FOR YOUR CHILDREN'S SAKE! They're inheriting this country and it's sinking fast! Wake up! This is not a beauty contest. This is your children's future! Don't you love your children? Then get off your tush and L-E-A-R-N about the issues!
Snacks? What? Rice Crispy Treats and Trail Mix...mmmmm mmmm
No I want the economy fixed. We need our children and spouses and loved ones to come home from a war we should have never been involved in. We need our gas prices cut down to pre Bush. We need education and health care for our children and for all people. I could go on. McCain /Palin are not for all issues or for all people. Please go back yo your lipstick counter, drink cofee with your fake christian tea time friends and spare us all this BS. Palin is not an asset for us women or any political party. A "christian woman" does not act like a geedy and blind fool. A decent human being would not encourage or encite hatred or racism because of in fact race and discriminate against a name. There are serial killers named John. Now we have an idiot named Sara running for something she has no clue about. She is just a front for McCain. He thought they could get another Hillary. Also, the smearing and bringing up Ayers and blah blah is a major turn off and nobody cares except those who have no clue abou about life outside of your stay at home, spend my husband's money shopaholics. Enough is Enough..Neither McCain or Palin is anything close to what we deserve to guide or serve our country and it's Americans.
We are Canadian Christians and learned about your blog watching CNN.
At first my wife and I liked Sarah Palin. However, as Christians we were a bit concerned when we heard about her daughter’s pre-marriage pregnancy. This alone was not too bad and we could understand it as someone in our family had a similar experience.
Then we were shocked to discover that Sarah herself was pregnant before her marriage.
This along with her current unbecoming vicious unwarranted attacks on Obama that stir up hate in her rallies have convinced us that she is not worthy to be your Vice President.
Add to this the fact that John McCain committed adultery on his first wife and destroyed their marriage.
All of this makes my wife and I wonder how your group of professed Christians can support a ticket that has done things so obviously against Christian beliefs?
I have been a registered voting Democrat for 24 years.I will be voting for McCain over Obama this year not Obama over Palin.I have noticed most of you have forgotten
who is running at the top of the tickets.
Now tell me why us dems should be voting for Obama. He has done what,
when and where?
If on the job training is okay for Obama then it will be just fine for
I live in the most democratic county in the state and I can tell you that some of the most ardent dems are going McCain.
But either way we will all be just fine.
Worried about Palin’s inexperience, you should be worried about Obama’s inexperience. Obama has only been in the senate 143 days and voted present 132 times on bills. Does he not care, can’t make up his mind, has no idea, or is it that he don’t want to reveale his master plan quite yet.
Ignorance is bliss until a 9/11 comes along or Wall Street sinks. And then these are the same women who are "shocked" when reality hits their world. You don't need a masters or a Phd to have emotional intelligence to figure out the real issues.
Wow. I'm really sorry to read some of the above comments - it seems like in a country where we all take the freedom to express our opinion for granted, that we've somehow also forgotten another right that we each hold - the right to be treated with respect!
If you don't agree with these women, fine, say so - but there is NO reason to bash them and doubt their intelligence or make assumptions about their lives.
I, personally, do agree with Palin on a lot of levels - I do consider myself a conservative Republican woman.
On that same note - let me tell you a little bit more about the conservative Republican women that I know personally:
We are all struggling with money. Many of us have less than $50 in our bank accounts at any given time.
We DO NOT BELIEVE that "feminism" equals "pro-choice." I consider myself a feminist - I believe in equal rights for women. THAT is the true definition of feminism. Am I pro-choice? Not by any means. It is against my religious viewpoint to agree with.
We work hard to provide our children with what we consider is a moral upbringing. Does it always work? No - how many of you did everything your parents told you 100% of the time? We try, and sometimes we succeed, and sometimes we fail, just like any other parent. This does not make us bad parents spouting "false values." It makes us PARENTS.
PLEASE take a minute to remember that not everyone shares your opinion. That does not make someone WRONG - just different. We ALL have a right to share our opinion and our views. That's America. DO NOT make assumptions about us based on pictures or videos. Everything is staged on TV - you know that! Even Obama rented a backdrop to appeal to an audience at his convention. We are all entitled to our opinions.
Good grief people, some of the negative and hateful comments you have left for these ladies on the CNN segment and for the lady of this blog is just so downright hateful and mean. Why are you so angry? okay so you don't believe in God, or Christianity. Fine! That's your belief and opinion, you have that right to believe in whatever relgion you want, that's called being an American. I'm not for Palin either, I don't think she is intelligent enough to run this country, but I sure as heck am not going to run her or these women in the ground for what they believe in and stands for. Would you like someone doing that to you? Of course not. Lets get real here for a second. Believe what you want, we all have that free will, but make no mistake, "every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord". The day is coming..........
ProAmerica should wake up! Palin was mayor of a town with population of less than 10,000 and that counts some moose and road kill. She became Governor by default, not by intelligence or grasp of the issues. I'm beginning to think the best synonym for Republican is "delusional."
Nice blog. Keep up the fight! All those haters out there are so blinded by their own leftist ideologies that they can't see what a fake, indecisive liberal hack Nobama is. They'll never "get-it".
Wow. So glad I found your site on CNN.
I'm a 31 year old mom, middle class, 2 kids, and a Conservative and---dare I say it-- yes, a feminist.
I love Sarah Palin! I completely support her and McCain.
Obama/Bindn scare the heck out of me, most of my friends and family. She's exactly what we need right now.
Don't worry, or be discouraged by the comments of those that oppose her on this site- there's so many that do see the truth, are not blinded by the media, and are true patriots who will vote with their heads on Nov. 4th.
I want the economy to get fix and the only one can do it is senator Mccain because he has the experience.
and also I want America to stay strong and the only one can do it is senator Mccain because he has the experience.
by the way all problem that is facing the US is also facing all the world. Not just the us (this for the uneducated women's)
So as simple as it we need a stong Man and a strong women's to face all the challenge that's are facing the world.
Let me lay it for you that are a little slower them the rest of us.
Who is closer you what you hold near and dear.
I saw your bit on CNN. I wont attack you. I just want to know, what proof do you have in which to call Palin "Honest" and "a genuine person!"?
I'm so glad you have this website! I'm a McCain supporter from Chicago and must say that I'm so appalled at the comments made by women who seem to think of themselves as "progressive." Have ANY of you done your homework on Obama? ANY of you? Not much on his record that he did for Illinois, but quite a few corrupt friends and plain and simple "non-votes" or just pure cold ones in the senate. You have the nerve to squawk about Palin not having experience. Obama has so very little himself. He's a good actor, I'll give you that. I guess some of us here in Chicago who haven't been mezmerized beyond all points of reason can still see that he's not but a slimy politician (love that hope and change stuff). Why can't women seem to get it through their heads that Palin has every right to subscribe to her own set of ethics. She and her husband can raise their family how they see fit. Just because you vehemently disagree doesn't make her wrong or "setting back any woman's movement." Go ahead, don't vote for her. It's your right. Why are you all so upset about. BTW---I really like her! Go Sarah!
Oh PLEEEEEEAAAASSSEE. Sarah Palin is a mean, vindictive moron! You conservatives were so happy to latch on to ANYTHING or ANYBODY to help your ticket, that you can't see the damage SP is doing to the ticket...not that I care about that. She can't think on her own but is great at reading speeches written for her ( i.e. the Republican Convention)and memorizing talking points (i.e the VP debate). Wake up ladies! You are admiring some one who promotes hate and fear and feeds on the frustrations of your party. And don't tell me about all of Obama's "evil" and "shady" acquaintances. Look into your own dear SP's background if you want to find radical nuts she's associated with. She stinks and so do all you sheep following along. God help us all if she were to be the VP. I'm ashamed to be a woman knowing there are mindless twits like you out there letting the country see how ridiculous AND STUPID females can be. Now you'll have to excuse me... I need to disinfect my computer for visiting a filthy, disgusting site as yours.
RESPECT is the earmark of true, patriotic Americans -- Christian or not. Real Americans do not pull each other down, but lift each other up. That means not attacking each other for each person's belief. Isn't there anyone here who can talk issues?
Given the videos of Sarah having Reverand Muthie rebuke withcraft to help her become governor (New story and video today at Time.com) and the second video where she praises and thanks him. And the third video of the same Reverand who spoke at her church about converting Jews to Christians I can't see how you can support her. Don't you think this is, if nothing else, extremely strange?
A message for Sara,
You go girl!! We love you Gov. Sara Palin!!!! Its time you get tuff and are the bulldog we need to reveal the truth. I did not fight for the great county to see it get turned in to a communist nation. I was in the U.S. Army from Oct. 2003 to Aug. 2006 and deployed to Afghanistan in 2004. Yes we a doing an awesome just over there and 80% of local nationals there support us and want us there to help them. There was a soldier in my unit that is from Alaska that talk very highly of his governor. He also talked fun, just like you, but also I talk funny, being from Georgia. I was very happy to hear Senator McCain picked you as a running mate.
This is all the info you well ever need to sway the independent vote.
I trust Senator Mccain in every step he take.
Wow, I got feedback directly from you... again, I respect your and Mrs. Palins stance on this issue, my mother would agree with you as well. With the example I stated, I just do not agree. This is just one issue... again, perhaps in 4 to 8 years I will back Mrs. Palin if the opportunity so arises. And again, I admire your passion, site and appreciate that we as Americans can freely state our own views!
Best Regards,
I’m "delusional." You have just been getting lied to this hole time by CNN. Time Warner gave 330,000 you Obama. Time Warner owns CNN. Who do you think they are going to say is winning the race?
I think it is great that there can be this dialogue taking place. However, I am not a fan of Sarah Palin. I do not think she is qualified, I do not feel she represents me, and I think she is a puppet to the Republican Party. And willing to be so at the sacrifice of her family. this is not a choice I would make. but that brings up my biggest issue. CHOICE. Can any of the conservatives out there explain to me in a non-emotional way why you feel you have the right to tell someone else what to do with their body. I would never have an abortion personally, but that is my choice. I give others the choice to do what they want with theirs. I believe that we are given the opportunity to make choices in our lives and deal with the consequences, good or bad. I personally belive that organized religion is one of the great evils of our modern society, but I would fight to let you practice what you choose. I only ask that you become more open minded and realize that this country is based on freedoms for all people, not just those you believe in and support. The time has come to stop hating, to stop war, to stop greed. Hate and judgement breed more of the same. And I see that more from conservative christians. I don't believe Jesus would approve.
HEY RANDY...READ THIS..I grew up poor..post. Just because people better their lives...doesn't give people like yourself the right to have a pitty party..get off your butt and do somehting about it!! I grew up in a single family home,poor,no health insurance,parents divorced when I was two..raised by my father...I made choices, just like my husband and I do. We don't drive fancy cars, have fancy jewlery, but by goodness my kids have what I never did...a mom to greet me at the door to say I love you and how was your day! Being a stay at home mom is not easy, and it's not about ourselves duh!! Isn't that what life is about?? Making a better life for yourself...so get off the pitty pot and make changes!!
I'm sure she's a very nice person. She seems like she would be a very food neighbor as well.
Unfortunately, those two qualifications have zero to do with being president. She and I disagree on so many fundamental issues, it's not even worth discussing. She is NOT the kind of person we should have representing our entire COUNTRY to foreign leaders and dignitaries. I've had enough of the mouth-breathing, folksy, ignorant representation by Bush and his ilk. I want someone who can conjugate his verbs, understand the sentence structure of his primary language, and is otherwise very UNbooblike.
She can't even name ONE periodical she reads. NOT ONE. Her performance at the debates, lauded by many, was disappointing to say the least. She stated she may not answer the questions how we want (or at all), unfortunately, if she wants my vote, she NEEDS to answer the questions, not merely find a pretext to ignore them, and ramble on her own talking points. It was the only way she seemed to be able to hold her own, but it's simply unacceptable to me. Joe Biden certainly didn't blow me away either, but at least he addressed the questions.
Good on these ladies for taking a stand and starting a blog, but it's as deperately misguided as John McCain was for choosing Palin.
Her morals are not mine, and I find hers to be deplorable.
And why is it unsurprising, and so disappointing to find links to Faux News on your site. You folks have bought the 'liberal media' spin from them hook line and sinker. I do hope one day you wake up, and realize how utterly you have been played by the right wing spin machine. Everyone deserves a moment of clarity, especially you ladies.
The more I hear from "Pro-Palinites" the more I realize that these women are lacking their own identity and self-empowerment. Why else would you identify with a an overly self-confident woman who abandons her children for her ambitions and career? Let's face it ladies, seventeen yr. olds about to give birth aren't screeming for their daddies in the delivery room...
Care about your kids future? Watch this two video on youtube. Let the truth be here for yourself.
Ladies- I wanted to thank you for creating this blog. I've been very encouraged by all the posts I've seen on this site... some have been rude and inappropriate but fortunately those have been relatively few and far between.
I'm glad that we have the country and the means to post dissenting views on very sensitive topics. Even though I personally cant stand Palin and view her as dangerous to the future of our country, I respect your enthusiasm, wholesome, and good-intentioned support of her. It speaks to your faith in others and I personally applaud your right to believe what you want and that you're secure enough to put your beliefs out there for anyone to address and even attack. These people (including me) hide behind the cover of anonymity, while you have courageously put your name and face out there.
Seriously- good for you! You are part of what makes America great.
I also like that- because of forums like these- we as a country can wrestle with issues that have caused so much strife and pain in our history. Racism, diversity, integrity, world affairs, domestic policy... all of these are fair game for open and honest debate.
I honestly hope you vote for Obama/Biden this November, but I respect your right to do otherwise, no matter your reasons.
I'm glad someone one gets it melia.
Are troops will never make is home if Obama becomes president. We might as well drop all border defences now.
Just wanted to tell you: I'm sorry that so many of these emails are so ridiculously offensive toward you. I 100% disagree with you on your support of Palin (who I think is a liar, amoral and a poor example of a powerful woman.)
However, you shouldn't be called the names that you've been called or be subject to all the personal attacks. It's completely antithetical to what Obama's campaign stands for. So, for that reason, keep up your confidence! (Although, I really hope that you fact-check everything that you post.)
"Education is the progressive realization of our ignorance." - Albert Einstein
CNN did a spot on a group of hockey moms from the Atlanta suburbs recently. The reporter asked one of them (who had a only a high school education) if she felt she could be vice president of the U.S. "Absolutely!", she said without a shred of doubt on her face.
But the reality is that POTUS is probably the most challenging job in the world, and very, very few people are qualified for either it or the vice presidency. Sarah Palin is not one of them.
No matter how much you want to believe otherwise, no matter how much you try to 'spin the truth' to yourself, deep down you know I'm right. God willing, you'll admit that to yourself before 11/4.
What we see today in our world is horrific; arming of nations, the threats made between government leaders, the re-emergence of racism, the enmity between fellow citizens… These are the times when We should pay the greatest attention to our public affairs; we should be prepared to change our minds, to renounce our old views and adopt new ones. We should cast prejudices aside and argue with open mind.
Yet we, the people, act so irrationally and irresponsibly, we no longer see connection between our oppression and participation in violence.
"A sailor who raises the same sail regardless of the changes in the direction of the wind will never reach his port."
Finally, for those who claim to follow the God's will and support war and killing.. Christianity forbids any murder, including murder in war. Christianity is incompatible with readiness to commit any kind of violence.
"The wretchedness of war and military preparations not only fail to comply with the reasons presented in their justification, but for the most part these reasons are so insignificant that they are unworthy of consideration and are quite unknown to those who die in war."
So, please stop, think, and think hard because it is neither weapons nor armed men that defend tyrant; it is the people who uphold a tyranny.
I can't believe you people. Our government has gotten too greedy and out of control with our taxes. What is keeping the American people from getting the career politicians out, and putting in real people that have character? Our economy, the bailout is all sickening. I just want to see someone honest and not corrupt in office. I love Sarah Palin for that!
Hey, I've got an idea, lets just put a "politician freeze" in congress and have the American people take our government back!
How can Palin leave her newborn with Down's and her pregnant 17 yr. old? Her mother instincts are shocking. How can I trust a woman who parades her newborn at a convention in the name of politics and then abandons this precious child in the name of "ambition?" Her morals are really screwed up. I can't trust a woman who professese to be "pro-life" gives birth to a special needs child and then abandons it for the glory of ambition? That's really sick.
If anyone truly looked at what Obama & his cronies have done for us in Illinois, you would be appaled. Obama will take his corruption, lies and YOUR MONEY and destroy this country before you even know what hit you.
RESEARCH what's going on in Illinois, we're a start that has mor laws forbidding people their freedoms than ANY OTHER STATE. Chicago is on the brink of a police-state.
All of you intelligent, progressive, anti-Palin women have got to get your heads on straight and quit being fed lies from the journalists who (are supposed to not be) biased. Palin is not the devil in disguise, she IS like most women in the country, she is HUMAN, with real problems like everyone.
Does this make her VP material?
Better than the Obama/Blagovitch/Daley machine that will have all of us emptying our wallets and saying goodbye to what freedoms we have left.
promerica and melia seem to like their echo chamber in here. Spin, distortion, obfuscation and outright lies seems to make for good friendship on the right!
NEWSFLASH: Palin is a Republican connected to the Republican Party. What's she going to do? Fire her own party members? Common on! Keep the Republican in the White House and it's another 4 years of economic meltdowns, wars and foreclosures! Wake up!
Sorry Bristol, Willow, Bark & Nutmeg... mommy has no time for you these days. She's too busy trying to correctly pronounce 'nuclear' &
spreading lies about
our next President.
I, too, saw the CNN piece. Sadly, McCain chose to try to win at any cost by picking Palin for his VP. She's clearly not up to the job.
Saw you on CNN...you guys are nice people...but come on. Why do you guys bring religion into politics? If Palin was a liberal you guys would still vote for McCain
Sarah Palin is the biggest joke in political history. We can see from her interviews and debate, that she is clueless, ignorant, and completely unprepared to be the president.
You guys say that you can identify with her, or that she's just like you. Well, what you don't understand is that the president should be someone extraordinary, nothing like you or me. Thats what you guys don't understand. Barack Is exceptional, an intellectual beyond extraordinary. This election is a joke, the choice is obvious. Pick smart over stupid.
Barack Obama for President!!!
Sarah Palin: Anther Bush we can't trust. Need more be said?
She's a pitbull in lipstick? Definitely! Especially if your view of pitbulls is that which the media would like you to believe. She is vicious and deceiving!
Everything I heard on CNN had to do with how you relate to Palin. You have ovaries. You are against embryonic stem cell research. You are pro-life. It's sad to see that you are ONLY supporting this horrible VP candidate because she is a woman.
Why don't you listen to the arguments about the economy. I hate to break it you but abortion, embryonic stem cell research and bearing children (disabled or not) is not what is going to progress this nation, economy and the human race.
If anyone truly looked at what Obama & his cronies have done for us in Illinois, you would be appaled..... ---- OKAY right after we do that... lets skip to ALASKA and the many many meth labs, rapes & alcoholics. Then we'll skip over to ARIZONA where 100000's of illegal make their cozy little home.. PLEASE MORONS in glass houses shouldnt throw insults.
Palin is the biggest idiot. Not voting for McCain because of her. What a poor choice. Wonder if she cheated her way through college...
"The vast majority of conservative moms in this country have remained relatively silent."
When asked why women aren't showing up in the polls of growing McCain support since the announcement of Palin as VP, one of the moms responded "Well I haven't been included in these polls"
Maybe if you guys actually stopped bitching about the liberal media and made an effort to have your voice heard through the media instead of using this stupid blog, your beloved Sarah Palin would gain some edge over Obama/Biden.
Great blog, I love Sarah!
Dear Blog Owner,
saw your piece on CNN and was compelled to write like everybody else.
You ladies seem nice enough, but please ask yourself. Is it wise to hand the keys to the country (and the world) to someone you've known for less than two months?
I'm sure you ladies wouldn't (or didn't) choose your husbands that way. So why would you do that with the leader of this country?
Please come to your senses and do the SMART thing. Don't be so easy unless...well, you all are.
Tami, I watched that same CNN segment and I'm not sure how fair it was. In my opinion, it made you and your friends come across as extremely naive and uninformed, as there was absolutely no focus on your or Sarah Palin's stance on governmental or economic issues, but rather moral issues such as stem cell research. Hot button issues such as this or abortion rights are mere wedge issues that are used to splinter voters and draw their attention away from the real issues. If you, ma'am, believe that this was a fair piece of reporting, I believe you need to search your souls and think about what is truly important in this election.
Ignorance has no color. Think about it..... THIS IS YOUR NATION ON WHITE PRIVILEGE By Tim Wise For those who still can't grasp the concept of white privilege, or who are constantly looking for some easy-to-understand examples of it, perhaps this list will help. White privilege is when you can get pregnant at seventeen like Bristol Palin and everyone is quick to insist that your life and that of your family is a personal matter, and that no one has a right to judge you or your parents, because "every family has challenges, " even as black and Latino families with similar "challenges" are regularly typified as irresponsible, pathological and arbiters of social decay. ---- White privilege is when you can call yourself a "fuckin' redneck, " like Bristol Palin's boyfriend does, and talk about how if anyone messes with you, you'll "kick their fuckin' ass, " and talk about how you like to "shoot shit" for fun, and still be viewed as a responsible, all-American boy (and a great son-in-law to be) rather than a thug.---
As an Alaskan resident, Palin didn't do a thing as far as I am concerned and I am a conservative. I have spoke with her before one on one and she is not her old self, she is the republican party's puppet right now. I hate to say this but I have watched my retirement drop $60,000 in the last month and $7,000 today. What are we going to do?
Hi there -
Saw the article about your group on CNN website. Just wondering if you've seen the Gibson and Couric interviews with Palin? She was completely unprepared and indecisive on so many levels. As several conservative critics - NOT the liberal media - have said, Palin is just not qualified to be the Vice President.
I hope you can look beyond personality issues and focus on what's really important to the country: experience, knowledge, pragmaticism, empathy, open-mindedness and, as it's derived from the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the separation of Church and State.
Our country was founded on those ideals. If you truly believe in America and call yourself a patriot, please keep that in mind when you go to the ballot box.
I wonder if Ahmadinejad, Putin, Jintao, and Jong-il will get the sarcastic remarks, winks, and get all the shout outs to "Joe Six Pack" and "Hockey Moms" across the US.
Get real.
Look around the world, go to any country that isn't the United States and the last eight years have been a joke. You think another four with McCain and Palin are going to make your country look any better?
Get a grip lady, we aren't laughing with your country at the winks and jokes, we're laughing at you.
Addendum - It's not a "Silent Majority" because you weren't polled, it's a poll. Not everyone gets 'polled' if that was the case it would be a census.
So I'm thinking your positive experience with CNN kinda flies in the face of the conspiracy of the supposed 'liberal media', huh?
Maybe the media generally tells it like it is, and some folks to the far right or left just don't like it? Just a thought...
Tami and Gals,
KEEP ROLLIN' AND KEEP YOUR "AMOR OF GOD'S LOVE AROUND YOU"....as my son said to his dad while serving in Iraq..... McCain/Palin 08'
Anonymous said...
Great blog, I love Sarah!
==== Tell Ms. Palin to change the DIAPERS of the kids she spew out like tic-tacs. She sure can breed but that ''day to day'' nuturing, guiding, loving parental deal just isn't Ms. Palin's style.
You people and your overly religious zeal is against everything that is American. Sarah Palin is a perfect example. Do us all a favor and keep it in the Church or in the privacy of your house. Your religion ruins the whole system for everyone else. I saw you on CNN and I am in a swing state I will never vote for a religious moron ever. Also you say you were so happy when you heard she was the VP candidate, no you weren't. You had no clue who she was when you first heard, all you had to read was she likes Jesus and wants to push religion into the gov't, not in my country. Sick and tired of your morals and your belief in a fake god that runs all our lives. God is a myth and people like you are dangerous and don't even think you are. Sarah sucks and get a life really, wsting your time and energy on this crap. Long live the seperation of church and state.I mean it's like letting the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy run our lives....please respect the seperation of church and state.
I find it appalling that there are women who actually back Sarah Palin! Backing her is helping women take a step backward in society. It is unbelievable to me that in this day and age there are women who don't believe it is OUR right to CHOOSE!!! I commend Sarah for having that down syndrome child however, I also feel it is the right of ALL women to decide what the right decision is for them. She is a freaking clueless idiot! It is a SCARY thought that she could be pres. if elected if something happened to Mc Cain! I can only hope that the majority of women in this country realize what a mistake it would be to vote her into office.
I am not going to sit here and tell you how "misguided" you all are for supporting such a dipstick with the lipstick. I know plenty of women just like you who have never been out of your little bubbles of white heterosexual privelage, who have never stood up against racism, sexism, homophobia, ; get a life, read a good book, travel abroad and see what other people think of our country. Palin would propel us into an America I would honestly be afraid of living in, one of hatred and ignorance.
-signed, a 28 year old lesbian from Chicago
"We like her because we see her as one of us"
"We can connect with her"
come on people!! HOW NAIVE and UNINFORMED CAN YOU GET! Do you even have a portfolio?
Like the person before me...my retirement has plummeted...and its ignorant people like you that have gotten us into this, "oh hes hot, or oh hes cute, or shes like one of us...ahh why not vote for them!"
What the hell is wrong with this country!
I think the candidate's academic records speak volumes. Who would a reasonable person hire for a job if these were the job candidates?
Occidental College - Two years.
Columbia University - B.A. political science with a specialization in international relations.
Harvard - Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude
U of Delaware - B.A. in history and B.A. in political science.
Syracuse University College of Law - Juris Doctor (J.D.)
United States Naval Academy - Class rank 894 of 899
Hawaii Pacific University - 1 semester
North Idaho College - 2 semesters - general study
Univ. of Idaho - 2 semesters - journalism
Matanuska-Susitna College - 1 semester
Univ. of Idaho - 3 semesters - B.A. in journalism
We are not choosing a dinner guest, or a baby sitter, or our new best friend. We are choosing the leader of the free world in a dangerous and economically unsound time. I am an independant - I want to choose the best candidate regardless of political affiliation. I simply can't imaging that anyone would choose McCain and Palin.
I just saw the piece on CNN. I was shocked that Cooper didn't try to smear your efforts. I have come to expect nothing less than the worse from liberals and the liberal media.
Long ago I discovered that the group I had been following was the group for everything wrong with things. I realized how truly evil these people were and I had to get away from them before they drug me down with them. The next election I voted Republican and have ever since.
I like Palin. I think she'd make a great President. I don't mind the controversy of her selection. It's not worse than Obama's own controversy of possibly using a false birth record to qualify for the office of President. It seems that the wretched of the Left can't stand the goodness of Palin. It's wild.
I find it hypocritcal that people can flame her, or you, for things the "Left" do and for which they receive praise and kudos from the sheep.
Keep going. We've been beaten over the head for years by the media and their liberal agendas. Its nice to get a breath of fresh air.
Palin has a conflict of interest. Pro-lifers should look at this issue and connect to their spiritual leaders and then ask themselves: "How can Palin be pro-life when she abandons her children?" VP is a 24/7 job -- there's no time for kids when being the leader of the United States. What if there's another 9/11? How would she lead? Would she choose her children or the country? I don't want this woman's finger on that red button while she's in the middle of a crisis with her kids.
Why don't you leave Florida and go abroad to another country and see how frowned upon our country is. CLEARLY you don't have a clue. Palin is the laughing stock of Europe.
Since radio falls under different copywrite and freedom of speech laws you and speak the truth on it. On Rush Limbough show today he had a sound bit of a voter that registered 15 times!!! Obama help set up Acorn in Chicago.
Turn on CNN right now.
“Jimmy Johns” is a pizza shop!!! Wake the Fuck up people!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is so sad that some women are excited about Palin. She is clearly uneducated about the issues, seems to have abused her powers in troopergate, lies overtly (bridge to nowhere.....), and incites racial fear tactics at her rallies against Obama. It seems that just because she is female, that is a compelling enough reason for you guys to support her. I am a woman and am completely offended by her and am not sucked in by her winking and jedi-mind tactics she is using to scare her republican base against Obama. I am a feminist and to see other women blindly supporting her just because she wears cute red pumps is very sad. One person on your interview said they like her because she is a pit bull. It is sad that for Republicans this is considered an asset. Cheney is a pitbull and has been the most dangerous VP we have ever had. Strong work you guys. You really should aim higher than that. We actually need smart, ethical people who understand the role of diplomacy in uniting the country and clearly this woman is not capable of this. You say we don't have any thing of substance which the is only reason she is being criticized. Clearly none of you have been paying attention because she has given us plenty to be fearful of. Of course you have stated that you will not change your mind about her and that is fine. You can continue to cling to your right to support whoever ignorant person you want, but it is also my right as a woman to think you all are pathetic and are not doing anything to really promote true feminism.
You seem very passionate about your beliefs. It's funny to see every where you turn there are narrow minded fools who fall in love with an idea to the point of being oblivious to any wrong doings. You make Palin out to be a God send and an flawless. Let's be real here, all of these candidates are flawed, as all people are. Everyone has meet people they wouldn't want to be aquatinted with in the future and done things that we aren't proud of. Its human nature and part of growth to make and realize mistakes. When you live with blind faith and unwavering dedication to willful ignorance, such as you seem to do, you stop growing spiritually. You abandon wisdom in favor of blind faith in all regards. How laughable to read such dribble from delusional and probably white Anglo Saxon Protestants. Luckily there are wiser and better educated Americans who are ready for change (i.e. fixing Americas problems instead of pursuing individual expansion of wealth through foreign conflict). Being a "Christian" I would think that you would like the idea of everyone trying to help everyone... hmm... no?, you probably favor helping the rich as a means of helping the poor. Yes, well some upper middle class will benefit from that and those that can already afford the products that the business puts out will enjoy perhaps a small decrease in price. But, I guess those poor people just need to pick themselves up on their own. Have you even seen how other governments run? Do you even know anything about politics outside of America and how they affect American policies? I doubt you do, you might get online now and look it up to make a smart response and I encourage you to, that would be a good step for you. Some socialization is not bad by the way. The medical system in many countries have duel systems, private and government. And it works well, the pay their taxes and have the option to see outside doctors. They don't have to worry about dying in a waiting room in Japan. You think the republican system of encouraging "competition" will work. HA! Do you even know anything about economics? Yes, competition works well in many industries, but not necessarily in areas where public health / services are concerned. Can you imagine if the Postal Service was private? You would be paying $5.00 to send a letter across state lines. McCain doesn't want to change anything, he doesn't support innovation, he supports making money for the rich and promoting that as help to the American in need. Palin is a non issue. She was chosen to get your vote... and that’s it… she’s a token and nothing more… but aren't you supposed to be voting for McCain?... oh, that's right as Putin raises his head and um... well, why don't you get back to us on that one?
WFT? Last night, after the debate, the text poll showed the % for what candidate you though won the debate.
84% for McCain
14% for Obama
1% Undecided
And this morning it showed Obama winning the debate by 85%. What happened you may ask. Time Warner had to do same damage control and protect there $330,000 investment in the Obama campaign. Time Warner owns CNN. Stop typing for a minute and look it up yourself.
I, too, saw the spot on CNN about your lovely little group. It is so sad that you women demand so little in the way of intelligence and decency from a vice presidential candidate. We have had an idiot in the White House for the past 8 years. Why would you support someone who spent 5 years in 4 different colleges/universities getting a bachelor's degree? Her degree was in communications, yet she can't form a coherent sentence without a notecard! Thank goodness I was blessed with a brain and recognize blatant stupidity when I see it. You'd have snacks with this person in your home? I wouldn't let her step onto my lawn. Her ignorance is an embarassment to educated, hard-working women all across this country. Enjoy this dog with lipstick for the next few weeks, because she will soon disappear from the national spotlight.
What a great blog. Count me in. Saw the report on CNN and just had to come check you out. I agree with one of your members who said (in the CNN piece) regarding polls that supposedly show American women are for Obama, that there is a silent majority out here. A vast majority who is not being polled and we are going to vote not with our feet, not with our clicker, not with what TV shows we watch, but with our ballots.
I notice the smug know-it-alls are here on your blog now, too, calling us misinformed and naive. Sigh. Puhleese. This Ph.D. mom is not uninformed. I have voted Democrat and I have voted Republican over the years and I am even a "feminist" in the classical sense of the word. And I am mother to five or six depending on how you count 'em (laugh). I was going to vote for McCain from the beginning because I just don't trust the Chicago politics product, Obama.
When McCain chose Palin I was surprised -- had hoped he'd pick Romney -- and I had actually heard of Palin before. I am for certain abortion rights. But I believe we don't persecute people who exercise their right to CHOOSE and choose to not approve of abortion. Good for them, I say. One more thing about abortion -- 30 percent of the delegates at the Republican Nat'l Convention are pro-choice. The pro-choice people are actually becoming the ones who hypocritically don't allow freedom to choose.
Anyway, after we all saw her speak, saw how she is so normal, so everywoman, I was no longer upset she had been chosen. Fancy that, McCain knew something I didn't. Hah.
I lost friends over my defense of her, however. Long-time feminist friends. So sad all the shrill insane bashing. I just couldn't stomach it coming from the supposedly tolerant enlightened people I knew.
We took our teen boys and one of their friends to the movie American Carol last weekend. Now it's the girls' turn to go this coming weekend. I recommend that movie for all parents and teens. It really made our boys think, made 'em talk, gave 'em something to say when the Obama supporters at their high school call them idiots, ethnic, stupid, etc. for being conservative. Take your kids to see this movie so we let twisted Hollywood know that we vote at the box office, too. That biased Bush-bashing movie Oliver Stone made which is coming out right before the election and that dumb un-funny Religulous movie need to be stomped all over the place by The American Carol. What a funny but clean and thought provoking film...
I agree that people should not leave "immature" comments on here. But you writing a blog saying that those people are "ignorant" is just as low and immature, is it not? If these comments don't bother you, why do you feel the need to fight back? There is such a thing as "freedom of spech" and for you to tell those people they can't leave comments like that and that they are ignoant, but YOU can say whatever you please about what they said, is very hypocritical in my eyes. I'm not very sure on which party I want to vote on and I'm not really convinced that either would make an asset to this country, but I think I would rather take a chance with Obama, just because he's proven to be a little bit more mature about all this and seems to be more interested in what's happening TODAY instead of what happened in the past whenever Barack was 6 or 8years old. And I'm a mother of 3 children, and I would rather someone go into the White House who at least puts on a show that they are serious about all the situations that are going on right now than a team of people who are more interested in name calling and bashing someone on a personal level. How can I take someone serious like that? I don't see how anyone could.
I think the candidate's academic records speak volumes. Who would a reasonable person hire for a job if these were the job candidates?
Occidental College - Two years.
Columbia University - B.A. political science with a specialization in international relations.
Harvard - Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude
U of Delaware - B.A. in history and B.A. in political science.
Syracuse University College of Law - Juris Doctor (J.D.)
United States Naval Academy - Class rank 894 of 899
Hawaii Pacific University - 1 semester
North Idaho College - 2 semesters - general study
Univ. of Idaho - 2 semesters - journalism
Matanuska-Susitna College - 1 semester
Univ. of Idaho - 3 semesters - B.A. in journalism
We are not choosing a dinner guest, or a baby sitter, or our new best friend. We are choosing the leader of the free world in a dangerous and economically unsound time. I am an independant - I want to choose the best candidate regardless of political affiliation. I simply can't imaging that anyone would choose McCain and Palin.
Sarah Palin has an IQ of 83. That puts her in the 12th percentile, or, in other words, 88 percent of Americans are smarter than Sarah Palin.
More to a point, anyone who can pronounce NUCLEAR is smarter than Sarah Palin.
If you want to vote for someone, pick someone who can pronounce things right.
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