Let's just think back for a second to the first time we really met Sarah on the national scene. John McCain shocked us all on August 29th as he announced Alaska's Governor, Sarah Palin, to be his running mate. In the following week, she delivered the speech of her life at the Republican convention in Minneapolis, and she lit the Republican party on fire! Not since Ronald Reagan have I seen the party this energized!
It took about 30 seconds for the mainstream media to begin the attacks and they came fast and furious. Nothing has been left untouched--especially her family. Sarah let it be known from the very beginning that she wasn't in the business of working for the media (one reason I love her so much) and has spent the last weeks reluctantly, it seems, granting interviews. She's been accused of not being available to them, and yet we have seen her in many interviews and on the stage almost daily over the last 5 weeks! However, today in an interview with Fox News' Carl Cameron, she promised to not be so reluctant to talk. She apologized that she had gotten so annoyed with them, and promised to try to work with the mainstream media, asking that they, in turn, make an attempt to be fair and objective in their questioning and editing. That's not too much to ask, now is it? I know it's a stretch for most, but I think that's what we all want. I don't expect that she not be asked the tough questions, that comes with the territory, and I have always thought she was perfectly capable! I just ask that the questions asked of her be presented in an objective, fair way (as I would expect them to be of any candidate) and that she be edited in a way that gives an honest representation of the actual interview. (p.s. She does read, after all!)
Now, if you were watching most of the mainstream media networks today, you got the impression that Biden beat Sarah to a pulp last night in the debate. I didn't see the debate they did, apparently, because the debate I saw had a clear winner--and that was Governor Sarah Palin!
"Palin’s style was “classic ‘talk over the heads of the media straight to the people,’ and it is a long time since I’ve seen it done so well,” says Peggy Noonan. “Joe Biden seems to have walked in thinking that she was an idiot and that he only had to patiently wait for this fact to reveal itself. This was a miscalculation.”
Look, this is not a high school popularity contest. This is a race in which we choose the President and Vice President of the United States of America--the greatest country on the face of this earth! The issues DO matter! The truth does matter! THAT is why I support Sarah Palin. I agree with her ON THE ISSUES. Sarah is authentic, and that is why so many of us have been so impressed by her. You cannot force authenticity, you either have it or you don't. She has it, and I can say for certain that Joe Biden does not.
I think from here on out we will see the Sarah we all have come to love and respect. Sarah, you knocked it outta the park last night--we are SO proud of you, girl!
I will have to say Amen sister. I just can't watch anything,but Fox. Those other channels make me so mad and sick at my stomach. You know there has to be a reason they don't give her a break. i think it s because thy know she is good!
she is a blithering idiot who proved once again in her embarrassing performance thursday night she doesn't deserve to be a mayor let alone the second in command of the most powerful nation on earth. she came across as the sarcastic, ill prepared, high school cheerleader knowing she could win the vote by winking at her friends and playing false populist card.
her delivery was rushed and staccato clearly betraying her nervousness and her 'talking directly to the people' was so clearly a maneuver to avoid the embarrassment she suffered at the hands of couric.
the best that can be said of palin's performance on thursday night was expectations were so low she managed to exceed them.
i don't know about you, but when i hire people to do a job for me i want people more qualified and more intelligent than i. sarah palin is neither.
Maybe CBS should have done that with Katie Couric--Thursday night exposed her for the pathetic hack she is.
I thought that hse did an amazing job! She rose to the occasion and controlled the stage & she brought up a few (about time) points that I believe have her opponents writhing. Palin proved that she is fit for VP.
P.S. Why do some hate her sooooooo much? Because she has THE entire package!
People don’t hate her, they hate that people like the organizer of this blog, are so easily satisfied with her mediocrity. Just face it; she is not ready to be VP!
There are so many problems I have with Palin, but I just want to bring up one point right now because it is really annoying to continue to hear this justified. When she talks "over the heads of the media straight to the people", she is avoiding actual responses in order to give canned messages she has been practicing. The fact that she can put a spin on that and claim that she's going past the "biased" media and straight to the people, and actually fool people, is a sad indicator of the level of intelligence in this country.
To think most media organizations are in on some kind of crazy "liberal" plot to turn the country communist or whatever idea you guys have, is delusional. There is plenty bad to say about her out in the media because most intelligent people actually see she is completely unfit for such a position.
The fact that she is even being considered really is like the plot of a bad disney movie....
Sarah Palin is sexy, but not fit for public office. She was an embarrasment debating Joe Biden. She is a liar, and an opportunist and she is turning out to be the worst thing that could have happened to the McCain campaign.
It's a breathtaking thought that these mouth breathers think Palin is capable of being vice-president.
She's not capable of clearly communicating the details of any policy, or any readily discernible thought for that matter.
One-liners and zingers might do it for the bible bashing sheeple, but lets hope they're in the minority come election day, otherwise the economy and the dollar may continue the descent into the abyss.
I like where Palin is going, but I am honestly not comfortable with her being vice president.
Well done, moms! I am a lawyer in london, originally from NY and I love sarah palin, although I am surounded by international liberals everywhere I turn. I am so disappointed to see how people are so totaly oblivous to how fonny the democrats are and how the palin/mccain ticket is the best thing that happened to the US in a long time. get everyone you know to vote. if people have the feeling that obama is ahead in the polls they might not bother to vote. it would be a mistake. I dont think these polls are accurate. let's all go vote. Go Wonder Woman!
Well done, moms! I am a lawyer in london, originally from NY and I love sarah palin, although I am surounded by international liberals everywhere I turn. I am so disappointed to see how people are so totaly oblivous to how fonny the democrats are and how the palin/mccain ticket is the best thing that happened to the US in a long time. get everyone you know to vote. if people have the feeling that obama is ahead in the polls they might not bother to vote. it would be a mistake. I dont think these polls are accurate. let's all go vote. Go Wonder Woman!
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