Governors of this nation serve as chief executives and impact every aspect of the lives of the people in their state. (this includes job training, taxes, education, safety from natural disasters, first response, health care, and many other things) Governor Palin has gotten in the arena and worked with the people of Alaska, first on the local level and finally on the state level as Governor. Governor Palin managed a state government of more than 24,000 employees with a budget that was in the billions of dollars. (alongside Republicans AND Democrats, she has crafted and passed two annual budgets) In two budgets alone, Governor Palin vetoed nearly $500 million in wasteful spending. Governor Palin is an energy expert who has challenged the influence of the big oil companies and brought competition to the oil and gas markets in her state to develop new energy resources. Because of her leadership, the state of Alaska has begun a $40 billion natural gas pipeline to help lead the way to energy independence in the United States of America. Governor Palin proposed and passed energy relief for the state of Alaska and every household got $1200 to help offset rising gas prices.
Liberals just can't seem to grasp the idea that it doesn't matter to conservatives what the color of your skin is, it doesn't matter to us whether you're male or female! What matters most to conservatives is a candidates' political philosophy, his or her stand on the issues, and qualifications. Sarah Palin has far more qualifications than even the Presidential candidate for the Democratic party--that is clear to any thinking person who wishes to admit it. Prior to his first term, Bill Clinton was only a governor. And, prior to Ronald Reagan's first term, he was only a governor. Her conservative position on taxes, her 'small government' mentality, and her strong positions on energy independence and the sanctity of life are what convinced me that she was by far the best candidate for VP on this ticket!
The Reagan/Palin comparison is a no go: Reagan served as governor of the nation's largest state, California (we're talking population here... Alaska is really, really large, but mostly empty, comparatively). He served for 8 years (1967 to 1975). California was (and of course is) a multi-cultural society. Reagan dealt with the biggest financial problems in the state's history. The population was 20 million.
Alaska has a population of less than 700,000 (smaller than the city of San Francisco), and she's been governor for less than 2 years. She barely spent time in the capital, spending most of her time at home.
She may have some 'executive experience', but she doesn't have the depth of knowledge that Reagan (or Clinton) had, nor the curiosity about the world outside of Alaska.
I think there are other Republican women in politics out there who would have been MUCH better qualified as VP. What about you.. is there anyone else you would have liked to have seen as VP (man or woman) if McCain hadn't picked Palin?
RE: "Sarah's Executive Experience":
Retired General and former Secretary of State (and Republican) Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama for President in an interview on Meet The Press this morning.
In the interview Powell said that he is "troubled" by the direction of the Republican Party, and he began to doubt Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) when he chose Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate.
"Not just small towns have values," he said, responding to one of Palin's signature lines.
"She's a very distinguished woman, and she's to be admired," he said. "But at the same, now that we have had a chance to watch her for some seven weeks, I don't believe she's ready to be president of the United States, which is the job of the vice president. And so that raised some question in my mind as to the judgment that Senator McCain made."
'Nuff said.
While I admire your dedication to Sarah Palin, I must defer to retired General and former Secretary of State Colin Powell, who on Meet The Press this morning (in addition to endorsing Senator Obama), stated in no uncertain terms that Governor Palin is not ready to be President (which is, after all, the ultimate job of the VP should something happen to the President).
It's fine to be enthusiastic about Palin, but I think your blog needs to be realistic as well.
Jacksonville, FL
I was stunned when Sarah Palin was nominated for the VP by john McCain.
Even though I felt that it will re-energize the party. And it did for a while befite the media and others started having a close scrutiny.
I felt Sarah palin should have planned her own arrival at the National Scene than the way she was forced. This I emphasize because she already had a good start in the politics. This nomination has come as a anti-climax.
Sarah palin potentially lost a chance to be accepted by the general public due to the financial crisis that hit US. Needless to say, the financial turmoil was least expected when she was selected. Otherwise John McCain might have selected somebody extremely strong in the subject "Economy"
Hope she comes out of this debacle and finds someday a place in the national politics.
You blog is well made eventhough I dont like Black background. And I came to know from a CNN article in their website. I myself run a website for Formula1 sports.
The liberal left can not admit that an educated, capable woman chooses to support conservative principles. We know that women with sound morals and realistic, informed experience is capable of great things: especially running the United States. Palin's gubernatorial record is impressive even in a short time. She will make a fantastic v.p.
It's not just critics saying that she isn't fit for the task. 6 of 10 Americans say they cannot trust her and that she is not qualified. What is blinding you from the shear stupidity of this candidate. She is WAY out of her league.
When I first visited your blog, I thought its name should be "Mom's Against Obama." But now I see some reasoned arguments for why Governor Palin would be a good VP. I don't agree with them, but can understand why someone would. Keep speaking up in way that tears no one down.
Your liberal reader
Daer Heather,
You began your comments with this statement: "The liberal left can not admit that an educated, capable woman chooses to support conservative principles." Well, I'm a democrat (don't know if that makes me "liberal left" in your estimation), and I can admit that an educated, capable woman chooses to support conservative values. What I can't accept (or understand) is why a republican candidate for president would choose such a woman who is so inexperienced in domestic and foreign affairs. Make no mistake, Sarah Palin lobbied John McCain hard for the VP spot (so she wasn't, as 'srinivasan' commented, "forced" into the spotlight). I don't blame her for John McCain's decision to select her, a choice which is driving many suburban women (both republicans and Hillary democrats) away from McCain because Palin "scares" them. The rhetoric she has used on the campaign stump insinuating that Barack Obama is dangerous (anti-American, terrorist, socialist, etc.) has not been a boon to her popularity. I do, however, applaud Palin (I never thought I'd say that!) for suggesting that the robo-calls the McCain campaign is employing (what McCain referred to as "hate calls" when they were used by Bush against him in 2000) be stopped. It would be nice if she passed those sentiments on to her running mate. On a parting note, it is interesting that before getting the VP pick Palin had an 80% approval rating as Governor. Those numbers have since fallen through the floor. It would seem that for the first time Alaskans are really getting to know what their Governor is all about. And they don't like what they see.
First of all, let's get one thing straight. Not ONE of the nominees running for president or vice president is ready to take on all that is happening to Americans today. Not ONE. The economy alone will require a full team of advisers, and we all know it. So to determine that Obama or McCain have the experience to turn it around is preposterous. An executive leader will never make decisions alone, so no matter who we elect, they will be heavily influenced by the people they choose to aid them. Period. What we should concern ourselves with is the character of the elected official.
Secondly, there is a question women need to ask themselves: Are we open minded enough to allow women to be conservative? It seems that if a woman wants to have children and even (God forbid!) stay at home with them, they are viewed as old fashioned, incompetent, and even uneducated. I may disagree with extreme liberal feminists, but I do not claim they are subliterate, and I do not tell them to change their careers or get a life. If Sarah Palin decides to have children and support life and tout conservative, republican views, that does not make her a backward thinking politician. It makes her bravery even more impressive. And by the way, a female governor who sports an 80% and higher approval rating in her state while maintaining personal standards of goodness should be applauded, not ridiculed.
In fact, I would applaud any politician who actually campaigned for their convictions (though I may not always agree with them). I have yet to see ANY nominee in either party this year generate real trust from their supporters like Palin has. Sadly, integrity, conviction, and honor have all but disappeared from Washington, and those characteristics should never be just "extras" in a political package. They should be the foundation of it.
Sarah Palin is trying to run in a campaign that ignores those attributes, and for this I commend her.
I'd just like to say "thank you" to Nicole for so eloquently expressing what I've been trying to say all along.
Being a "feminist" means that you believe in equal rights for women. That INCLUDES the right to determine her own value system and moral identity. I appreciate someone agreeing with me that while I may not agree with the choice that a woman makes, I believe that she deserves the right to make that choice. And, while I am conservative in my own beliefs, I do consider myself a feminist. Thank you.
Heather et al: I understand that "educated and capable women support conservative principles". The problems most of us who reply here have who are not Palin fans, is Palin, not the generalities of her positions. You say she'll make an 'excellent VP'. Why? There are plenty of other conservative, Republican women who WOULD have made excellent VPs, had any one of them been asked. She has been a governor for less than two years. When asked simple questions she doesn't reply as if she knows the answer. Even when she talks about energy policy, she so obviously talks as though she's not an 'energy expert'. Because she is NOT an energy expert. To call her an expert is disingenuous. She hasn't studied energy, she hasn't spent the greater part of her life learning about it. She knows oil, somewhat. That is not the definition of 'energy'. Palin only has experience with oil and gas production. The major oil companies have said they won't even use the gas pipeline she has proposed (which is still only on paper). They'll build their own.
None of you counter or talk specifically about why she would be so great. You repeat generic lines about her, but there is no depth, because there is no depth to any of the knowledge she has, required to be a VP, and certainly not to be President. I believe you are all more 'value voters' than anything else, voting on her stance on abortion and religion. She is great at generalities, at giving speeches (and even there she blunders). Give us some SPECIFIC reasons why she would make a great VP (as it pertains to the economy, domestic policy, foreign policy, intellectual curiosity, and so on).
I've received emails from some of you, exasperated by the seemingly empty credentials of Sarah Palin's background. One such response claimed Palin supporters were "more 'value voters' than anything else." I don't know if this subscriber read my first entry, but one of the clauses emphasized the importance of voting values, not apologizing for doing so. Granted, if a presidential hopeful does not maintain any experience in politics, even if they tout great moral standards, that person may not be the most qualified to lead.
Or would they?
I don't think Ronald Reagan studied war strategy or economics as a career choice before becoming president of the united states (go rent some old movies to refresh your memories), but his policies (especially among republicans) have become a reference point for later candidates, citing the positive effects of 'reaganomics.' We need experience, we need leadership, but more than anything, we need a moral platform we can actually trust.
Again, basic political intelligence is important in any candidate, but you are forgetting (or omitting) the importance of character in that candidate. All the feverish anger aimed from one political party to the other is based on values. Some value money. Some value foreign relations. Some value families. Some value all of these, so choosing a candidate because we are "value voters" is correct. Consequently, you are a value voter, too. Everyone is.
Oh, and remind me. Obama has been a senator for how long?
When comparing Obama's experience to Palin's, I honestly think that Obama's experience outweighs Palin's. To Palin's credit, she does possess the type of executive experience that Obama doesn't have, but Obama's credentials outshine Palin's in every other way.
Let's look at what they've done in succession:
Palin competed in beauty contests, and Obama was president of the Harvard Law Review. After transferring schools four times in six years, Palin graduated the University of Idaho with a B.S. in Communications/Journalism. Obama graduated from Columbia University with a B.A. in Political Science and from Harvard with honors receiving a doctorate in law. Palin was a sports reporter in Alaska, and Obama was a senior lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School. Palin was Mayor of Wasilla (pop: around 5,500) for six years, and Obama was State Senator of Illinois' 13th District (pop: around 750,000) for eight years. Palin has been Governor of Alaska for two years, and Obama has been a U.S. senator for two years.
Issues and personality aside, if you don't think Obama's résumé outshines Palin's, then you're not willing to put your political bias aside. It might be a good sound bite to make fun of Obama's community service, but maybe the Republicans or the media could look to other marks on his résumé.
What I am about to say has nothing to do with Sarah Palin being a woman or a conservative or a Christian. The simple matter of fact is that she was not ready for the national stage. She overstepped her ambitions, and John McCain made a mistake in choosing her. Her reputation has taken so many hits over the past 2 months (most of it brought on by her own missteps) that she has essentially become the Dan Quayle of 2008. And as was Quayle's fate, Sarah Palin's political career is for all intents and purposes over. I know that's a harsh thing to say and an extremely unpopular sentiment to air here, and I don't expect you to post this comment. But it's the truth.
Come on Cynthia,
If you are going to make a claim such as that under a post listing her executive experience, then at least state some facts!!!! Who are you to say she overstepped her ambitions? Not a slam here, a question! You guys come here and state these claims and rarely give facts to back it up--gimme facts. Her reputation, as hard as the dems have tried to ruin it, remains unscathed.
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