I have a question? What is it about hearing a patriotic song that infuriates liberals so much? There are websites that have articles ripping into me for having the songs "God Bless The USA" and "I Pledge My Allegiance" posted on this site. Why does that irritate them so badly? A fellow Republican told me today that back during the elections of 2000 here in Broward County, there was a moment where a group of Americans, mostly Republicans, began singing the national anthem and were booed down. Why is that? I don't understand how you can live in this country, know all that it stands for no matter your party preference, and not feel overwhelmingly proud at the awesome sound of just about ANY patriotic song!

Regarding femininity, this comment came from M. Carmichael today, and I think she is onto something:

awesome point m. carmichael - finally a real woman who supports our ideals. i love it!
tami i love ya girl - keep up the great work - you are reaching and influencing thousands with your blog -
and ignore that previous comment by angela - clueless. you keep telling yourself all that angela... her femininity is merely ONE of the many characteristics that we appreciate about sarah palin. and your fear and insecurity is evidenced by your comments - this site is NOT, in fact, pathetic... oh how you wish it were... HA!
Im so happy I stumbled across this blog. Iv'e been having an issue with my daughters school. She is in the third grade and informed me that she is only allowed to say The Pledge Of Allegience on Fridays, I asked her to ask her teacher why only one day and she told me that her teacher said that it's the law, so Im angry and will be looking into this. in the meantime my daughter will stand alone each morning and say it.
BLESS U, Mrs. Ruiz! YOU are a great American!!!
Remember the talk recently about Hillary's pant suits? Now M. Carmichael points out the femininity of Sarah Palin. What a contrast. Think about it.
I'm terrible with computers and feel like such a dummy for what I'm about to ask. I told another Palin supporter about your post and she asked me to send her the site but I don't know how. Can you leave a comment on my post so she can click on it and find you Thanks so much
I think I figured it out, I copied the address then pasted it. I hope thats right.
you got it sweety, just go to the top and copy the link...or send her http://www.moms4sarahpalin.blogspot.com
You guys are just awesome.
It breaks my heart that Americans have come to this point.
I hate being mean,but if you can't live here and support what this country was built on and what men and women have fought for do many years I think maybe you should move.
I know for a fact the reason America is in the mess it is now is because PEOPLE have taken away our rights to pray in public,sing and show love for that FLAG that has flown so free in places that were bombs and bullets were being dodged. It makes me sick to my stomach.
I know God is calling us to turn from our wicked ways and seek HIS face..he is love and not hate.
Our land must be healed.
Thank you Tami for what you are doing. I read the article in the Sun-Sentinel. Go Girl! I too am part of the Florida Women for McCain.
I received your information from a friend and I wanted to reach out to tell that you are an amazing woman and I applaud your core values and beliefs. Think of all the people you have touched and spread the word to. Congratulations in following what you believe in and not being afraid to speak up for women! I too am a Christian and above all God comes first. I will continue to read your blog and spread the word to my friends and family.
The American right to vote is a freedom that should be taken seriously. This involves making an informed decision before casting that vote. Some things to consider re: McCain-Palin's record on WOMEN:
1) McCain opposed legislation that would help women achieve pay equality
2) McCain repeatedly voted against funding to fight and prevent domestic violence
3) McCain repeatedly voted against increased funding for child care
4) Palin objected to proposals to create statewide Pre-K, expand Head Start and cover more uninsured children of working families
Do you want to support Palin because she is women when McCain-Palin appear to be ANTI-women and family?
I just heard of this site on TV and one comment was that people are against Sarah Palin because she hunts (they call her an animal killer)...but these same people support Obama who is a HUMAN BEING KILLER. He supports the most radical abortion actions ever. He is in favor of KILLING live human babies. He has destroyed the people who have put him in office, Illinois is a mess!
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