Have you ever read the Constitution of the United States, the Bill of Rights, or the Declaration of Independence? Men and women have given their lives for these documents, and if you haven't read them or if, like me, it's been a while, I encourage you to go pick up a copy. Barnes and Noble has a beautifully packaged copy of each that are worth the cost. In the next few days, while still trying to cover our girl Sarah and what she's up to, I want to dive into these documents and post some things here that are VERY relevant. Separation of church and state, first written about in a letter penned by Thomas Jefferson, means that "the government shall make NO LAW respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". It has been widely misrepresented by those that would prefer to remove God from every facet of our society...we will be discussing this topic as well as the real reasons why we are in the Middle East. I hear comments frequently that we are there for oil and money. Hmmm, well then please enlighten me on why we don't have possession of that oil? Why, then are our oil prices so high? These are relevant discussions with reference to this election. I am by no means a scholar on all things political, and I certainly get my information from sources other than just the internet (as it has been suggested in the press). I do consult with those whose opinions and knowledge I highly regard, and I try to find what is true--not necessarily popular, but true nonetheless. Sometimes they write it far better than I, so I have them post it here.
So, I recommend, if finances permit--buy a good copy of those documents and discover for yourself why our country is what it is today. You can click on the links above and read them, but it's good to have a copy in your home. Girls, it is our responsibility as Americans to know what these documents stand for, to discover why men felt so passionately about signing these documents that they literally risked their lives to sign them. Discover why, when you are in the presence of the original documents, you are filled with emotion-such overwhelming pride in what we stand for as a country, why men hate us for it, and why they would destroy our very way of life. It's important to discover for yourselves WHY you vote, and what gave you this freedom. It's worth every minute of your time, I assure you.

Now that I think about it your blog is not worth commenting on. It is too simplistic and ignores some pertinent facts about the Middle East and Oil.
Oh is that what you think of the Constitution? You leave this comment, on-of all posts-THIS one. Pretty typical of you people.
Go Tami. You're doing the right thing and we're behind you!
You people are morons!!!! Calling Barack Obama Hussein! You are crazy lunatics. Sarah Palin is a nobody un worthy of v.p. Who is she?
you IDIOT, his middle name IS Hussein!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, you saying that because he is named after his Grandfather, that he should somehow be labeled a terrorist?
George Bush's Grandfather, was a supporter of the Nazi regime.
1. I didn't say he was a terrorist, I simply gave HIS MIDDLE name! How is that labeling a man a terrorist?
You, like Obama himself, are way too paranoid about the mans name.
2. Where are your facts about George Bush's Grandfather?
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