From Mary, in GA:
Thanks so much for doing the research and posting here. For me, its great to get an update when I don't have time to watch the news channels! When I saw Sarah Palin for the first time on August 29, I was stirred in my spirit that this was the one. She is a great compliment to John McCain. She believes in herself and in her family relationships. You can see it in her face and in the face of her family. Thanks for fanning the flame to the fire that's been lit under you!
From Bonnie in FL:
One person can still change the world. GO SARAH!
From Yvette:
When I read Oprah's statement on her website I had to laugh, what a hypocrite she is. I can understand that she doesn't want to use her show as a political platform-but Sarah is not only a politician, she is a wife [and mother]! Now I know we can make a difference! I am glad we are finally standing up and saying enough is enough!...Behind every successful man is a great woman, and we will show that once again when we win this election!
From Monica in FL:
We support Sarah Palin and the unfairness in the way she has been treated. We sent an e-mail to Oprah with our disappointment in the way she's treated Sarah in not allowing her on her show before the election. We support Sarah and pray that God gives her the strength and guides her. Our hats off to her family for the way they handled their daughter's situation and for keeping their heads up in such a private matter. It is heart warming to see their baby and the fact that their baby is Down Syndrome, Sarah is a God-send for all the parents with such children. As Christians, we find Sarah to be a breath of fresh air and will keep her and her family in our prayers.
From Rachel, age 19, VA:
You are doing a really good thing, and I am usually not really into politics, but your blog has really gotten me into it. So thanks!!!! I love Sarah Palin!
From 'Anonymous' in VA:
Tami, thank you for speaking out on behalf of so many of us who want to, but don't know exactly just what to say or how to. It is sickening what is happening in our country today with politics and the media. They are proving what hypocrites they really are! Someone said Oprah did not want to use her show as a political platform? Since when? Over the years she's had candidates from both parties on her show. Although I no longer can stomach her so I don't watch, I understand Obama was on her show. She won't have Sarah on because she KNOWS Obama is a joke & she made a mistake in supporting him. He's a windbag with nothing to say. I bet Oprah's afraid of Sarah and jealous of her. Anyway....I support McCain and Palin and will be praying for them. And I'll continue to pray for you Tami.
From Amy in TN:
Thanks so much for doing this!!! I totally agree with Anonymous from VA - I would never in a million years vote for Osama...I mean Obama, the windbag. I can't believe Oprah's is being so two faced....wait, yes I can. Her picture is beside the definition for hypocrite in the dictionary!!!! Thanks again, Tami!! Keep up the good work and we'll keep praying for God to move in this country!
**Send me your comments, I will post them here! List first name and the state you are from!
Tami, you're doing a great job! Thank you for speaking out on behalf of so many of us who want to, but don't know exactly just what to say or how to. It is sickening what is happening in our country today with politics and the media. They are proving what hypocrites they really are! Someone said Oprah did not want to use her show as a political platform? Since when? Over the years she's had candidates from both parties on her show. Although I no longer can stomach her so I don't watch, I understand Obama was on her show. She won't have Sarah on because she KNOWS Obama is a joke & she made a mistake in supporting him. He's a windbag with nothing to say. I bet Oprah's afraid of Sarah and jealous of her. Anyway....I support McCain and Palin and will be praying for them. And I'll continue to pray for you Tami. Keep up the great job!!!
Tami, thanks so much for doing this!!! I totally agree with Anon from VA - I would never in a million years vote for Osama...I mean Obama, the windbag. I can't believe Oprah's is being so two faced....wait, yes I can. Her picture is beside the definition for hypocrite in the dictionary!!!! Thanks again, Tami!! Keep up the good work and we'll keep praying for God to move in this country!
After seeing your piece on CNN I wanted to write and say I'm so confused by Sarah Palin's behavior lately. I've always believed being Christian means being loving and compassionate. Lately here speechs have been stirring up anger and rage towards Obama. Guest at her rallies have shouted things like "kill him". How does this type of behavior represent Christ and his loving forgiveness. I'm not sure if being a christian applies when it comes to politics. I pray we would live our faith rather than give it lip service when it's convenient. We can not afford to be polarized at this time. People who pray are needed to walk the walk. blessings to all.
Me and my 5 sisters and families are all voting for McCain/Palin ticket. I wonder what happened to the polls saying that Palin did not make a difference in McCain campaign? All I can say to women who are against her are they are just simply jealous of her. Women who does not think and persuaded by the liberal ideals of this society. They should think harder before they cast their vote to the other side. Giving the full control over to the Democrat will be a disaster. At least, with the Republican president and vice president, there will check and balances.
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