Before Sarah Palin entered the picture, I’d been to one other political rally in my life, and that was for Ollie North, many years ago in Virginia. Before Sarah, I voted and my husband and I occasionally gave a donation to our party. Other than that, I was a hands off conservative content to stay in the background quietly supporting my candidate. However, when John McCain shocked us all with his announcement of Governor Palin last month, this became a whole new ballgame for me. I’d never really cared whether a woman was put on the ticket or not, but when it happened, that was just icing on the cake! I like Sarah Palin, first, because she is a Christian conservative. Second, I like her because she says what she means and you'd better believe she
means what she says! You know what you are getting with Sarah Palin! Third, I like her because of her story. She IS someone I can relate to, not an elitist snob (among other things). Sarah Palin worked hard to get where she is today, and I LOVE, fourthly, that she doesn’t pander to the media. I could go on listing my reasons, but you get my drift. I have NEVER seen my conservative Republican friends and family this pumped over a political campaign of any kind! I was asked at the rally on Sunday, “weren’t you for Hillary?” NO!!! I was NOT for Hillary! I don’t care who leads this country: black man, white man, Hispanic man, black woman, white woman, whoever....just give me a true conservative who is going to govern with the principles on which this country was founded and I will vote for them every time. A true conservative is hard to come by these days, and with all the mess that has been made of our government, you might think Americans would connect the dots. The truth is, I think Americans ARE connecting the dots, and come November 4th I guess we’ll find out. (we need to rid ourselves of the Democratic majority) The awesome thing is, my Country is still the greatest country on Earth. I love her more today than ever before, and I am VERY proud to be an American.
I want to share something else I found about Sarah today; something that makes me like her even more, thanks to MSNBC. (Losers that they are!) In doing some research, I came across an article posted on HotAir.com that linked to an article entitled “The ‘Lost’ Palin Files”, written by Jim Popkin of NBC news. Clearly written as a smear of Sarah, he tells of how small Wasilla really is and belittles Sarah for all the personal notes she wrote to the residents there. One note, however, was written to the editor of a San Fransisco newspaper after federal judges ruled, in 2002, that reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools was unconstitutional because of the phrase “under God”. Sarah’s letter to the editor said the following: “Dear Editor: San Fransisco judges forbidding our Pledge of Allegiance? They will take the phrase ‘under God’ away from me when my cold dead lips can no longer utter those words. God Bless America.”

I want to share something else I found about Sarah today; something that makes me like her even more, thanks to MSNBC. (Losers that they are!) In doing some research, I came across an article posted on HotAir.com that linked to an article entitled “The ‘Lost’ Palin Files”, written by Jim Popkin of NBC news. Clearly written as a smear of Sarah, he tells of how small Wasilla really is and belittles Sarah for all the personal notes she wrote to the residents there. One note, however, was written to the editor of a San Fransisco newspaper after federal judges ruled, in 2002, that reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools was unconstitutional because of the phrase “under God”. Sarah’s letter to the editor said the following: “Dear Editor: San Fransisco judges forbidding our Pledge of Allegiance? They will take the phrase ‘under God’ away from me when my cold dead lips can no longer utter those words. God Bless America.”

One other note about a stellar member of Congress. Alcee Hastings, a black Democrat from Florida (I’m sorry to say), was speaking to an audience hosted by the National Jewish Democratic Council yesterday, and he said this about Sarah Palin: “anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks.” So, what are you saying Mr. Hastings? If I own a gun or hunt, I am dangerous to Jews and blacks? To read the whole story, click here. Besides needing a lesson in how to properly speak English, Mr. Hastings needs to learn how to keep his racism in check.
Amazing...thanks to the Dems for keeping me as energized as ever, and thanks to all of you out there who continue to visit this site. I am humbled that you would take time out of your busy schedule, and let me stress again--this election is VITAL. WE MUST get out the vote!!!
God Bless!
I am all for allowing comments to post here, whether negative or positive. However, I will not have this be a spot for liberals to come and bloviate about how much they hate God. In addition, you want to spew lies about our candidates, find your own blog. You're NOT doing it here. I don't read the Enquirer for my news like you do, and I certainly could care less what Katie Couric did or did not ask Sarah Palin. Katie Couric has been reduced to just about nothing in the news world, so her opinion is irrelevant.
Sarah Palin is an honorable and decent woman...she has qualities that the vast majority of you lack. SO, either keep it truthful and stop taking my God's name in vain, or go someplace else. It won't be tolerated here.
P.S. I wrote the above statement because of two very hateful comments that were left.... I deleted those, just so ya know!
Well you deleted mine, so i assume that you thought it was hateful? I didn't use profanity or take God's name in vain. I don't hate Sarah Palin. Just thought she embarrassed herself with a creditible mainstream news anchor in Katie Couric. CBS isn't some left wing newsource. Even if you don't like Katie Couric, she asked Sarah important questions about policy and her views and she couldn't answer them. Doesn't that concern you guys, that she could become president and she doesn't seem to know what she is talking about?
It sounds like you haven't watched the interview. Because Katie Couric didn't give her "opinion" anywhere. She just asked her unbiased questions. She didn't attack Sarah Palin. But did repeat her questions, when Sarah didn't give an answer that fit the question.
sure, CBS, not leftwing... katie is one of the most condescending and elitist anchors of them all! they continue to lambast palin with ridiculous inquiries (what the hell does obama know about foreign policy and what are HIS qualifications??? that he has more stamps on his passport?!?) but refuse to do the same to obama and biden. (an interview on the TRAIN? oh, he's SO in tune with the heartbeat of america. barf.) it's so slanted and biased it's LAUGHABLE. maybe that's why katie's ratings are in the tank...
Go watch the Obama interview with Bill O'Reilly on Fox. He answered all his tough questions. O'Reilly really took it to him. Way more than Katie did with Sarah. And Obama answered each one intelligently and thoughtfully. Sure they had to agree to disagree on some issues. But even O'Reilly said he was impressed with how Obama handled himself. Katie Couric's questions weren't left wing, they were just normal questions. Go watch the interview at youtube and tell me what is wrong with Katie's questions? If Sarah Palin is going to be 1 heart beat away from the Presidency, she should be able to answer these questions.
Yep, he sure did--while lying through his teeth, ANONYMOUS!
dearest anonymous... (c'mon, not even a nickname? wimp.)
i DID see the 3 part interview o'reilly had with obama. again, not impressed. it is humorous to me that we are grilling sarah because she is "one heartbeat away from the presidency"... what about the guy who is ACTUALLY RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT??? again, i ask of you - what are obama's qualifications regarding foreign policy??? answer the question! his 2 years as a US senator, of which the past 19 mos. were spent running for president? where the majority of his senate votes read "present"???? can he not make a decision on his own??? and while we're at it, speaking of one heartbeat away from the presidency and the ability to answer the tough questions... how 'bout that joe biden?!? WHAT A JOKE!! news flash people - big joe claimed that when facing the greatest financial crisis in our nations history, in 1929, FDR got on TELEVISION to talk to the american people... guess what?!? there was NO TELEVISION in 1929 and FDR wasn't even president!!! how's that for being able to answer the tough questions??? seriously?!?
"um, hello, kettle?? you're black!"
(btw, that was a reference to the pot calling the kettle black - just in case you sensitive types thought i was making a racist statement - you wish.)
Um that's 4 years as a US Senator not 2. And As a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Obama made official trips to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa. He is also a member of these committees..Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs; Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions; Veterans' Affairs; Environment and Public Works. While in office, Obama has sponsored 136 bills, and Cosponsored 619 bills. He's been an Illinois State Senator for 8 years representing a district in Chicago. Taught Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago Law School for 12 years. Has practiced as a civil rights attorney, when he could have had a very high paying job at many large law firms. Is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School. Served as president of the Harvard Law Review. He did all this on his own merits as his family had very little money.
As for Joe Biden, he has stuck his foot in his mouth a few times on the campaign trail, but at least he can handle his own campaign trail and doesn't need to be kept close to his running mate's side as Sarah Palin is. Joe Biden's foreign policy experience is his greatest asset. His knowledge of the history of TV & president dates, most likely isn't :)
Oh my name is Dave by the way, I just don't remember my user name and password.
Oh and when running for President it is not unusual for a Senator to miss votes. Obama's last vote was in July. McCain's last vote was April. Both have only voted a few times this year.
I happen to think this is pretty stupid. They should both have someone that the State Appoints to vote in their place. Just like Sarah Palin has the Lt. Governor taking over her responsibilities right now. Such as watching for Putin's head rearing in her airspace. Just kidding, I kid. I know what she meant.
But to merely vote "present" is quite revealing...when it's all you ever do. That's called being afraid to take a stand.
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