The rally at The Villages on Sunday, the 21st of September was unlike anything I have ever experienced. As I said last evening, we arrived on Main St. to get in line for the secure area (just in front of the stage and behind the stage) about 9 a.m. We waited in that line for about 3 hours, and during that time met some wonderful people. I was amazed at the diversity of the crowd. In front of us were a large group of University of Florida students, all with handmade signs in support of Palin-and boy, were they an enthusiastic group! Just behind us were several mother/daughter pairs, some older, some younger. I met single girls that had come alone, I met elderly couples and families, Democrats that will be voting Republican for the first time in their lives, Republicans and Independents! I was so encouraged with what I saw! If you want to be energized like you never have been for your party, I encourage you to attend an event such as this! We got into the secure area around 12:00 p.m. and stood in the sweltering heat for another 4 1/2 hours. We were very blessed to be among the first people in the gates, securing a spot just behind the barriers where we would later see Sarah. During our wait we heard from several state and local politicians, Aaron Tippin sang a few tunes, and finally Governor Palin and her family arrived. My first impression of Sarah was this: she is a strikingly gorgeous woman. I thought she was pretty before, but in person she is even more beautiful-the pictures do not do her justice. She first said her hello’s and then handed a microphone to her daughter Piper who was as adorable as ever and thanked the crowd for a fun visit to FL! (they had been to Disney on Saturday) Sarah then recognized all military personnel, both past and present, and gave a wonderful speech which I am sure many of you got to see on the news. The crowd, estimated to be between 60,000 and 70,000 people (by the way, there were approximately 2,500 people at Biden's event in Jacksonville), was energetic and constantly chanted Sa-rah! Sa-rah! It was a blast! After her speech, she exited the stage right in front of us and began shaking hands and giving autographs. Although we got to shake her hand and get two hats autographed, we never got to speak to her. The crowd began going crazy when they realized she was giving autographs, and we were getting my hubby grabbed me and our daughter and we elbowed our way out!

**As a side note, I read on News Busters where CNN again criticized Palin for using a teleprompter during her speech at the Villages. I don't know where they get off criticizing anyone for using a teleprompter in front of 60,000 people, however, I was about 10 feet from her, and I can tell you this: I don't know where CNN was sitting, but from where I was standing there was no teleprompter usage!!! She had her notes, and she used those! There were teleprompters, but many of us commented that if she was using them, it sure wasn't noticeable to anyone close by! Just thought you'd be interested to hear that from someone who WAS right there and payed attention.
Thanks for allowing me to take the trip with you. I know I would have loved it in person!
So glad you got to see her in person. It is true that she is much prettier in person. And wow what a crowd! I agree she will turn D.C. upside down. I think it's about time, too.
God Bless
Your hubby is a very secure man to wear THE shirt. Mine liked it, but said he'd have to pass on wearing it. :) I'm so glad that you got to go and see Sarah Palin in person.
Yep, he is that...I was so happy he wore it!!! We had a lot of people stop us and ask where they could get it was a big hit!
Love the pictures! McCain and Palin got a great reception here in VA a few weeks ago.
It's getting good!
Love the site, too!
was her down-syndrom baby also there with her, of left with his carers as usual? I wonder if she has even managed to see him twice since all of this started. A very good mom indeed...
You, ANONYMOUS, are an absolute IDIOT. YES, Trig was there, and was on stage, if you look at the pics you would see that you moron.
He had to be taken off stage because of something-I suspect it was the heat-but was up there for most of the time.
I think it is fantastic to see so many people creating blogs about the candidates they support. It's fantastic that folks are really taking the time to do their homework about the candidates. Blog on!
Thank you so much for all the great pictures. It is really awesome to see how many people were there supporting her! I am glad you got to go as well!!!
Seeing her in Jacksonville Tuesday morning and hoping to get a picture autographed
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