Yesterday, Governor Palin met with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, Columbian President Alvaro Uribe, and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger-a veteran of foreign policy who served under both the Nixon and Ford
administrations . Today, she will meet with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani and Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari. She and Senator McCain will also be holding joint meetings with the Presidents of Georgia, Ukraine and India. I find it equally as amusing that Gov. Palin has not allowed the media to listen in on these discussions, giving them just the place of importance they deserve.

In an explanation of the meetings, Wall Street Journal reported this in an article by Elizabeth Holmes:
"As foreign leaders gathered in New York for sessions of the United Nations General Assembly, Gov. Palin discussed national security and energy policy with the presidents of Afghanistan and Colombia...Gov. Palin also received a briefing from the Bush administration's Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which a campaign spokesperson said was standard procedure for all presidential and vice presidential candidates. Gov. Palin's senior foreign-policy adviser, Steve Biegun, and Sen. McCain's foreign-policy director, Randy Scheunemann, accompanied her in the meetings. Mr. Biegun said the goal of the day wasn't for Gov. Palin to offer 'specific policy prescriptions. She was largely listening, having an exchange of views,' Mr. Biegun said.' And [she was] also very interested in forming a relationship with people she met with today.' When asked if the meetings made her more prepared to be vice president, Mr. Biegun said, 'She's already fully prepared to be vice president.'"

The coming weeks are going to be tough. We will hear and see things happen that we have perhaps never seen in a political campaign. The left seems to be taking this to a whole new level and we need to be fully prepared. Be aware, know the FACTS, and know when early voting starts (if it is available in your state)...encourage everyone you know to get to the polls EARLY. Like never before girls, every single vote CAN and WILL make a difference. It's time to hold the Democratic majority and their friends in the media accountable by voting Republican across the board on November 4th or before. Once again, if the McCain campaign is going to be in your state, I highly recommend you take the time and effort to go and support them. It is a wonderful, exciting, free, and incredibly FUN event for the entire family! If you are unable to participate in something like this, there are many other things you CAN do to help, even from your own home! (click here for ideas)
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