I just had the best time this afternoon! I needed to go down to the McCain Victory office to deliver a few t-shirts and I met some of the nicest people I've had the pleasure of meeting since I've lived in this area. I know sometimes it's intimidating to think about helping a campaign. Maybe, like I have felt in the past, you think you aren't qualified, or time is limited. Whatever your reason, I am here to assure you that YOU ARE qualified! If you are a registered voter and have the desire to help the McCain/Palin campaign, they would LOVE to have your help! You can make phone calls, get handouts and instruction on where to canvas...whether you have one hour or an entire Saturday, if you have the willingness to help, they have a job for YOU! I left that office more motivated than EVER to do my part! If you don't have but a minute, drop by and thank the volunteers that are there for their tireless efforts. It's a great way to meet like minded people and have fun doing so! I cannot stress enough that THIS is the time, more than ever before in our nation's history, to GET INVOLVED.
**MOST sizeable towns and cities have McCain/Palin HQ's--stop by and ask how YOU can help! Find a location near you.
"It's very important when you consider even national-security issues with Russia as Putin rears his head and comes into the airspace of the United States of America. Where—where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there. They are right next to—to our state."
There is, of course, the sheer absurdity of the premise. Two weeks ago I flew to Tokyo, crossing over the North Pole. Does that make me an expert on Santa Claus?
From the sounds of it, Mr. Freer, maybe so.
Revenge is a dish best served cold. In 2000, religious conservatives torpedoed John McCain. In fact, he called them "agents of intolerance." He now exacts revenge on them by selecting one of them as his running mate, a choice that made them ecstatic. Selecting Sarah Palin changed religious conservatives from indifferent to enthusiastic McCain supporters overnight. His choice gave them the opportunity to display their shallow grasp of reality. He was unlikely to win this election anyway, so he chose to lose in a way that will make it harder for religious conservatives to be taken very seriously for a long time.
For Mr. Freer and Anonymous,
What exactly is a religious conservative? A religious person who disagrees with your position? A rather nebulous concept and very convenient for your pseudo-intellectual scribbling. Anyone can build a straw man to order and then knock him to pieces with ease. The reality of the matter is complex and does not admit of trite generalizations. Those who are moved by Biblical principals respond to notions of truth, which are acted upon in a rational fashion. The idea of truth informs and motivates conservatives to action on a rational basis. Therefore, the conservative has a basis from which to evaluate issues and proceed on an intellectually honest basis. The liberal reacts out of animal instinct in a spasm of reflex: an effort to defend a cherished mode of base instinct. This is generally manifested in liberal feral rage. As a dog reacts out of base instinct when poked with a sharp stick, so the liberal gnashes in rabid furry when pricked with the sharp point of objective truth. Apart from the proper presuppositions, that God is and that He has spoken, rationality cannot exist. This is the basis for all rational and considered conduct. The liberal, the humanist, stripped of logical presuppositions is left only with monolithic dogma in support of their irreligious depravity. Dogma does not admit of intellectual scrutiny; therefore, the liberal fascist must crush rational discussion under the mounting weight of trivialities and emotional tirade. Compare the candidates on the issues, on the plain facts of the matter. The Republican ticket represents democracy and capitalism. The Democratic ticket represents marxism, socialism, and the soulless machinery of apparatchik statism. Perhaps, that is what you really long for. If so, at least have the courage of your dogmatic convictions, hoist the scarlet flag of hammer and sickle, and greet us with a properly collectivist, "hail comrade."
Wow, John, couldn't have said it better myself. Excellent.
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