Did any of you catch the Fox News Greta Van Sustern interview last night with Todd Palin? I thought it was AWESOME! What a GREAT guy! I want to, once again, brag on our Republican MEN. It is so refreshing to see that Sarah's hubby is a MAN who has worked incredibly hard for a living and is a devoted husband and father that all men can look up to with respect and admiration. It says a lot about a man when he can take a 'back seat', so to speak, and let his wife pursue this office while he supports her at home. GO TODD. I am thrilled, once again, to be a part of a party that has so many real MEN in it!
Congratulations, Tami Nantz, and keep up the good work.
The far left haters are now attacking YOU. That's their usual way of expressing freedom of speech. Their way or no way. You know you're right when the lefties spew their hateful vomit at anyone who is not anti-American, anti-religion & anti-republican.
Sarah Palin & you are exactly who feminists should be proud to support.
My 16 year old son's government teacher is teaching my son her left wing propaganda B.S. I'm furiated. Any advice on how to handle this would be greatly appreciated.Am I wrong to be upset because what she is teaching is not what I believe in or am I right o be upset because she is teaching her own personal political views?
While I don't have a child currently in the school system, my advice would be to just be sure that you do your part to educate your son at home via your values, literature, conservative talk radio....teach him to THINK for himself. He'll get it. Maybe not today, maybe not this year, but he will. :-)
Keep on keeping on!!
By the way, you are VERY right to be upset that she is teaching him HER views. That is not her place--especially in the public school system that OUR tax dollars pay for.
I apologize for using foul language on your post. It will never happen again.
So, the public schools shouldn't allow the teacher's personal opinions and viewpoints when they teach? Is that how you raise your children? Never expose them to a variety of different views because it isn't yours? How are they to learn where they stand in life? I guess you're right though. I'd be infuriated or as Ms. Ruiz put it "furiated" if my child was being taught that humankind started with Adam and Eve. I'd bet that the majority of you are for bringing Christianity in the schools, but God forbid a teacher expresses her political views to a high school class during an election year. Note to whoever set up this website, it's so disgusting to see you using the twin towers to pander to your base. T
oh elizabeth - really?? the twin towers... pandering? here's a foreign concept for you - some people are genuinely patriotic and LOVE this country and all that she stands for and are still motivated and inspired to defend her. the twin towers are simply a reminder that there are forces out there that desire to kill and destroy every single living american, including you, elizabeth. thankfully we have had tough, courageous leaders who have sought to protect this nation, even those who mock and detest them, such as yourself, from these foreign invaders. and no, they're not willing to sit down and have tea with them. we've tried that in the form of numerous UN resolutions and the like... ahmedenijad, saddam hussein, kim jong il, etc. aren't so interested in hugging it out. get a frappin' clue.
and while it would be great for educators to teach creationism alongside evolutionism, as advocated by sarah palin, we know that will never happen in our public schools. which is why we homeschool, send them to private schools, etc. because we don't want kindergarteners exposed to sex education, as advocated by barack obama. we still have a choice regarding our child's education - and isn't that what you lefty's are all about?? CHOICE? sheesh - make up your minds...
so NOTE TO YOU elizabeth & any other liberal wacko who happens upon this blog - NOTHING you say here will sway or dampen our resolve. we are firm in our convictions and will not back down. good try. see you at the polls :)
Tough and courageous leaders? Who? Who could you possibly be refering to? Are you insane Ms.Crane? The UN resolutions were working in Iraq! Remember, there were NO weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. This war in Iraq has zero to do with 911. America was lied to ON PURPOSE by those "courageous" leaders. So Christian of us to go to Iraq and KILL hundreds of thousands of people who had NOTHING to do with the attacks here on AMERICAN soil. People on the right who are just blindsighted by religious beliefs cannot seem to separate fact from fiction anymore. You seem to live in the state of fear that the Bush administration has been so good at marketing to the American public. You've been eating what they have been feeding you. I feel sorry for you. I think God wouldn't be happy that you are so out for retribution against people who caused you NO harm in your lifetime. Maybe if America finally gets a "tough and courageous" leader this time, we will finally begin to find the person who organized and financed the attacks. Remember him? Osama Bin Laden? Great job Bush.
Mrs. Ruiz
In this case, it was completely warranted.
Thank You Tami:)
Why would I NOT use a picture of the Twin Towers on 9/11??? YOU are just the kind of liberal who wishes to forget the attack on 9/11 and how it changed the world. I don't have a "base" to "pander" to, you idiot...I'm not running for office. Find another blog to spew your garbage.
**by the way, get your facts straight. we did find weapons of mass destruction.
elizabeth, i just want to apologize for not responding sooner. i hope you didn't think that what you said in your last post had any effect on me whatsoever :) you see, we have been recovering from a massive hurricane hitting our area and so quibbling with liberal nitwits, such as yourself, had to take a back burner. but fear not, my friend, i'm back :)
elizabeth, i hate to break it you but i am not insane. however your last post did provide for some much-needed comic relief :) do you not know anything about the function of the United States government? did you know that there was a VOTE in congress prior to our going to war with iraq and that President Bush did not act unilaterally but with the support of the US congress (john kerry, hillary clinton, etc...) they read the same intelligence briefings that the President did and came to the SAME conclusion. and please cite your references for your statement that the UN resolutions were actually working. i encourage you to read the following paper from sept. 12, 2002 outlining the decade of deception and defiance by saddam hussein and his violation of over 16 UNSCRs (that's united nations security council resolutions)- http://www.state.gov/p/nea/rls/13456.htm - you can't just spout nonsense and expect to get away with it here, genius.
here's my take on the iraq war - i believe it was fully justified and that we must stay as long as we are needed to create a democratic and stable iraq. to pull our troops out too soon would be a mistake. however, i don't believe that we should be there a day longer than necessary. i have no doubt that the iraqi people are much better off free from the rule of a tyrannical dictator and on the road to being a liberated, democratic republic. i'm not out for "retribution", as you claim - again, if saddam had complied with the numerous UN resolutions, if he had not slaughtered thousands upon thousands of his own people and buried them in mass graves, maybe we wouldn't be in the position we are today. but he didn't, and he did, and here we are.
it still makes me chuckle that you people think that we've "forgotten" about osama bin laden. we have numerous troops in afghanistan, in active pursuit, and we cannot invade our ally, pakistan, without concrete evidence... just because the Bush administration hasn't been briefing the media on our every tactical mission in regards to bin laden you think he's been "forgotten". oh, but wait! obama seems to know exactly which cave he's hiding in and wouldn't hesitate invading pakistan and grabbing him. what a hoot. :)
elizabeth, lastly, and most importantly, i AM secure and confident in my relationship with my God. He IS happy with me. see, it's not about earning brownie points or performing with Him... it's all about grace and love and freedom. and when people mock and ridicule me as a result of my beliefs you can be SURE that i will fire back with a righteous indignation, knowing that He is pleased.
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