I'm going to step out on a limb here, and share something I have been troubled about these last few days.....
I am in no way being critical of Sarah Palin, I love her and I think she is doing an awesome job out on the campaign trail- in spite of the constant ambushes by the media. (after all, I have dedicated this entire blog to the support of this remarkable woman!) However, having said that, I think we are not seeing all of Sarah out there in some of these interviews. I don't know what's holding her back or who is holding her back, but from everything I have seen and read we are not seeing as much of that 'pitbull in lipstick' as I hope we'll be seeing in the coming weeks! (and we've seen some pretty awesome stuff so far!!) Perhaps she is holding back until the debate, and if so--YOU GO GIRL! It's time to be blunt and call things as you see 'em! I know you have it in you--you proved that long ago!
Go get 'em Sarah! We are behind you 1,000%!
I agree and I am hearing this every where I go.When she came out we saw a lady i think has alot of fight in her, It is like someone tied her hands. People are feeling what happened to this lady we all went nuts with.
Some have said she was ask to back off because she was getting attention than McCain.Others say she has got so much going on about her family that she has backed off.
We are all ready to see the real Sara. Im hoping that Thursday she is let out of her cage and comes out fighting!
Come on Sara show us your Bulldog!
Mr. Freer, whose comment I removed due to content --I will choose to look up to whomever I wish. Last time I checked, we do still live in a free country. Because the liberals would take away that freedom, it is vital that we keep them OUT of power.
palin won't be the vice presidential candidate because she's too stupid.
OOOOH Is that all you got? We can talk stupid, but I don't think your people want to go there.
i'm gonna have to differ with you mr.freer - how bout that genius joe biden who referred to FDR getting on TV and adressing the american people in 1929 - there was no TV and FDR wasn't president in 1929! defend that!!! talk about an idiot...
you people are so blind.
You're right; we're NOT seeing the entire interview; that's the whole point! If you do a Google search, you'll see that BOTH the Gibson/Couric interviews were heavily edited to make Palin look far less convincing in her answers than she really was. If you look at the unedited interview transcripts (especially the Gibson interview) she was brilliant. It's no longer enough for the liberal media to just attack Palin; now they have to flat out CHEAT.
You definetly should write a blog entry about this; we cannot let such blatant CHEATING by the mainstream media stand. And we won't.
UFCW steward for McCain/Palin 2008
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