It's been an amusing week, to say the least--well, it would be if it weren't so sad. Tuesday, our general election was held and the 44th President of the United States was elected. The amusing part for me has been watching as Democrats continue to campaign and defend their newly elected President-calling, as predicted, anyone who disagrees with him a racist- as he continues to campaign, and has even created a new "office" for himself because he cannot wait his turn like the last 43 Presidents have respectfully done. Along with that come the demands for "unity" from a party that has been anything but willing to "unify" these last 8 years. What has also been rather amusing are the "unknown" spineless, bitter campaign staffers from within the McCain campaign who not only feel the need to now attack Sarah Palin, but to cover their own butts for losing the election. I was encouraged to finally see Rick Davis, McCain's campaign manager, emerge in defense of Sarah in an attempt to put these rumors to rest. Sad thing is, the same John McCain who felt the need to repudiate true statements made by his own party throughout the campaign, is now AWOL on this subject.
Look, put the fraud aside. The election is over, and the majority has spoken, even if there were dead people and cartoon characters in the mix. Clearly, the country is deeply divided. Democrats didn't win this election, Republicans lost this election. I have now heard from countless Republicans who, though they loved Sarah Palin, decided that wasn't enough to make them show up at the polls on Tuesday for John McCain. Those, along with Republicans who were disgruntled with John McCain for a variety of other issues, therefore cast a vote against him, are the Republicans that helped lose this election for us. Bottom line: we must take back our party. We were told John McCain was the only person who could beat Obama, and perhaps that would have been true, had the Republicans more effectively utilized the resources available to them. Bottom line, it was too little, too late, and adding Palin to the mix brought votes, but not enough votes to make a difference. So, where do we go from here? Why do you think the media went after Sarah Palin so viciously, right from the outset? They cannot go after her on ideas, so they go after her personally. (this goes for both sides AND the main stream media) Governor Sarah Palin is the fresh new face of the Republican party. I am convinced that we have not seen the last of her. Will she run in '12? I haven't the slightest clue, but I sure do hope so! We have several remarkable young Republicans gaining in the ranks that will be interesting to watch and I believe Sarah will be among them.
The main stream media, democrat party, and the left-moderate leaning Republicans are already trying to push Sarah off the scene. What they fail to appreciate, however, is the overwhelming support for Sarah within the Republican party. Rasmussen Reports released some new stats yesterday that tell us 69% of GOP voters say that Palin helped John McCain. 91% of Republicans have a favorable view of Sarah, while 65% of that group say their view is VERY favorable. When asked to choose among some of the GOP's top names for their party's ticket in 2012, 64% say Sarah Palin is their choice. That does not sound like a party whose tide has turned against Sarah Palin!
With regard to the latest smears about Sarah, they are simply, by all accounts, untrue. Below, you will see a list of links that helped lead me to this conclusion. Many readers leave comments claiming that we think Sarah Palin can do no wrong. Just like I know Obama doesn't really think we have 57 states, and just like I hope Joe Biden doesn't really think FDR was president in '29 or that televisions had arrived on the scene, I know that Sarah Palin is very capable of making her fair share of mistakes. Unfortunately, I believe many of the mistakes made during this campaign were orchestrated by those inside the McCain campaign who wished to sabotage her.
Bottom line, to quote "Kathy", a caller to the Rush Limbaugh show on Friday, "Governor Palin ignited a dead and dry campaign. Volunteers and contributions came out of the woodwork within hours of her being put out there in Dayton, Ohio...she's tough, she's smart, she's competent, she's articulate, she's a doer, and she's got a track record to prove that--she doesn't just talk. She's done the walk, and I think that's what her attackers fear most, that she's too effective at brushing the waste where it belongs." Rush Limbaugh responded "Exactly right. She is a threat to the modern Republican party, which is made up of a bunch of linguine-spined moderates...and they're trying to take her out now. The problem is that conservatives and Republicans LOVE this woman..." And we're not about to sit back and be quiet while these people try to destroy her.
**To encourage the RNC to support Sarah Palin and to expose those who are spreading the rumors, contact the RNC:
Mike Duncan, RNC Chairman
Phone: 202-863-8700
Fax: 202-863-8820